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PhD Poster Event

PhD Poster Event

We were delighted with the turn-out for our PhD/MSc by Research Poster event on 18 January. 25 students prepared and displayed posters and a team of judges evaluated their posters. Assist. Prof. Deepak Ajwani shared his experiences in a fascinating talk on "How to do (great) research?" and Eoin Delaney talked about his experience as a PhD student titled "Doing a PhD and Having Fun Too". Assoc. Prof. Georgiana Ifrim presented the best poster prize to Pasika Ranaweera.

Many thanks to Rosemary Deevy in the Postgraduate Programme Office and Assist. Prof. Madhusanka Liyanage Director of Graduate Research, for organising the event and also to Student Reps Ranul Thantilage and Zhongyi Lu. We plan to hold another poster event in June.


We also took the opportunity to record some of the students talking about their PhD studies. (opens in a new window)Watch it here (2 mins 40 seconds)

Here are the students who presented a poster.


Title of research/poster

Zhongyi Lu

“A Reputation-based Microservices Trust Model Using Similarity Domains”

Shamima Nasrin Runa

Exploring Sense of Belonging in Undergraduate Students in the UCD College of Science

Rashmi Erandika Ratnayake

Identifying Bad Data and Mitigating Data Reliability and Trust Issues on Blockchain Using Machine Learning Techniques

Jack Nicholls

Deep Learning Approaches in Anomaly Detection in Cryptocurrency Money Laundering

Anjan Venkatesh

Understanding and targeting the differential assembly of protein complexes in cancer

Narod Kebabci

Predicting context-specific synthetic lethality between paralogs in cancer

Jingwen Yang

Automatic Generation of Optimal Road Trajectory for the Rescue Vehicle in case of Emergency on Mountain Freeway using Reinforcement Learning Approach

Chamara Sandeepa

Enhancing privacy preservation of federated learning for IoT-based future networks

Malick Ebiele

Data Value Analytics for Value-Driven Governance

Éanna Curran

Neural Network Architecture for Solving Geometric Optimisation Problems

Pasika Ranaweera

Securing Service Migration in Multi-Access Edge Computing (MEC)

Shuhao Guan

Natural Language Processing for Historical Text Collections

Jiaming XU

High Performance Federated Learning for IoT Applications

Jiaying Guo

Connected Vehicles for Improving Mixed-Autonomy Traffic

Oshana Dissanayake

Machine Learning Techniques for Disturbance Detection in Calves from Accelerometer Data

James Fitzpatrick

Learning to Solve Electric Vehicle Routing Problems

Mercy Edoho

Seizure Rate Prediction in Intra-amygdala Kainic acid Mouse Model of Epilepsy

Rian Dolphin

A Machine Learning Approach to Uncovering Relationships in Financial Time Series

Zeyneddin Oz

AI at the Edge: Enabling low latency computation in smart cities applications

Déaglán Connolly Bree

AREAS – Automated Refactoring for Energy-Aware Software

Thulitha Theekshana Senevirathna Millawa Gamage

Explainable AI for IoT Security

Maha Riad

Run-time Norms Emergence in Open Heterogenous Multi-Objective Multi-Agent Systems

Mohammed Temraz

Data Augmentation Using Counterfactual Techniques

Ranul Thantilage

Study of Multimodal Data Warehouse Assuring Privacy and Security on Cardiology Datasets and their Sources

Graduate Research in UCD School of Computer Science

The School currently has over 100 PhD and MSc Research students, located in one of our research centres such as the (opens in a new window)Insight Centre for Data Analytics or our Centres for Research Training: (opens in a new window)ML-Labs and (opens in a new window)d-real.  Many members of faculty are active in supervising PhD students. More info here https://www.ucd.ie/cs/study/researchdegrees/

January 2023

UCD School of Computer Science

University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland, D04 V1W8.
T: +353 1 716 2483 | E: computerscience@ucd.ie | Location Map(opens in a new window)