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PhD Poster Event 2024

cs students & staff at PhD poster event

Image credit Rosemary Deevy

PhD Poster Event

We were delighted with the turn-out for our PhD/MSc by Research Poster event on Friday 26th January 2024. 36 students prepared and displayed posters and a team of judges evaluated the posters. Our PhD poster event is a platform for research students to engage with fellow staff members, seeking valuable comments and advice to enhance the quality of their research work. It also offers a unique opportunity for staff and other participants to gain insights into the ongoing research work within the school.

There were five research themes:

  1. Bioinformatic, Health Information, HCI - 3 posters
  2. Data science, ML and AI - 18 posters
  3. Emerging Topics (Blockchain, Ethics, Quantum Computing, etc) - 6 posters
  4. Security and Network - 7 posters
  5. Software Engineering, Distributed Systems, Computing, Information systems - 2 posters

Afterwards, 54 people attended a special lunch where the PhD class representatives Akila Wickramasekara & Zhongyi Lu gave a brief overview of their role and Assistant Professor Madhusanka Liyanage, our Director of Graduate Research, presented the best poster prizes to the joint winners Joana Tirana and Saugat Aryal.

Joana Tirana accepting her prize for her thesis titled “Design and Analysis of Distributed Protocols for Decentralized AI”. Image credit Rosemary Deevy

Saugat Aryal accepting his prize for his thesis titled “Semi-Factual Explanations in AI” Image credit Rosemary Deevy

Many thanks to Rosemary Deevy in the Postgraduate Programme Office and Assist. Prof. Madhusanka Liyanage Director of Graduate Research, for organising the event and also to all who came and supported the students and especially to the judges.

Graduate Research in UCD School of Computer Science

The School currently has over 100 PhD and MSc Research students, located in one of our research centres such as the (opens in a new window)Insight Centre for Data Analytics or our Centres for Research Training: (opens in a new window)ML-Labs and (opens in a new window)d-real.  Many members of faculty are active in supervising PhD students. More info here https://www.ucd.ie/cs/study/researchdegrees/

Why do a PhD?

At this event last year recorded some of the students talking about their PhD studies. (opens in a new window)Watch it here (2 mins 40 seconds)

PhD graduate interview

In December 2023 UCD CS PhD graduate (opens in a new window)Fergal Reid VP of AI at Intercom came back to UCD to talk to current PhD candidate (opens in a new window)Rian Dolphin. In their wide ranging and fascinating conversation (opens in a new window)Fergal talked about some skills he has found useful from his PhD studies, (opens in a new window)how Intercom is using ChatGPT to do summarizations and (opens in a new window)how AI will change the workplace among other topics. See our YouTube channel for (opens in a new window)the full video.

Published February 2nd 2024

UCD School of Computer Science

University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland, D04 V1W8.
T: +353 1 716 2483 | E: computerscience@ucd.ie | Location Map(opens in a new window)