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Senior Research Manager # 015260

Senior Research Manager

Position Summary

University College Dublin (UCD) is one of Europe's leading research-intensive universities. At UCD undergraduate education, Master's and PhD training, research, innovation, and community engagement form a broad spectrum of activity. UCD is Ireland's leader in graduate education with approximately 7,000 graduate students, including almost 2,000 Ph.D. students. The School of Computer Science is a dynamic and high-quality centre of research activity in many areas of computer science, including knowledge discovery and big data analytics, systems and software engineering, networks and distributed systems, and language and cognition. Academic staff in the School have leadership roles within the Insight Centre for Data Analytics; Lero Software Research Centre; CeADAR, Consus, ML-Labs and Future Milk research centres. The School has approximately 50 academic staff and over 30 postdoctoral and 100 Ph.D. researchers, with many active research projects funded by SFI, Enterprise Ireland, the European Union, and others.

The School of Computer Science is seeking a Senior Research Manager to work with its academic staff and researchers in all stages of the research project lifecycle, especially identification of suitable funding schemes, proposal preparation/submission, and project reporting. A particular focus will be the European Union's funding schemes, as a key strategic aim of CS research is to encourage and increase staff applications for EU funding and increase EU grants awarded to CS researchers. Therefore, the Senior Research Manager will be expected to contribute in measurable ways to improved CS performance in winning EU funding, as well as successes from other funding sources. In doing so the Senior Research Manager will leverage existing supports within the School/College as well as more broadly within the University such as UCD Research, UCD EU Office, UCD Innovation, etc. The Senior Research Manager will work closely with CS staff to support the School's research performance, and will identify, shape and implement initiatives relating to strategic priorities and development of new research activities. They will also be a School-wide point of contact for key industry partners and will be expected to develop strong relationships with these and other relevant external stakeholders in Government and its agencies.

It is likely that additional duties and responsibilities will emerge over time in line with the natural development of the role or depending on School requirements, and the appointee will be expected to have a flexible approach in this regard.

Competition closes:  18th November 2022

Apply Below (Ref: 015260)


UCD School of Computer Science

University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland, D04 V1W8.
T: +353 1 716 2483 | E: computerscience@ucd.ie | Location Map(opens in a new window)