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UCD Post-doctoral Research Fellow Level 1 # 014722

UCD Post-doctoral Research Fellow Level 1 

Position Summary

TRANSPIRE (Trained AI Platform for Regulation) combines human expertise with artificial intelligence to automatically monitor, interpret and demystify laws and regulations across multiple disciplines and jurisdictions. This then enables firms to assess risks, and deliver effective regulatory outcomes while protecting consumers.

You will perform novel research on Natural Language Processing and Machine Learning for legal and regulatory texts. The key research focus of the project relates to analysis, classification and knowledge extraction for these texts in a transparent way. As such, a core priority will be a body of research on explainable and/or interpretable models for legal text analysis.

The project is funded under the (opens in a new window)Disruptive Technologies Innovation Fund (DTIF) and will be conducted in collaboration with two industry partners: (opens in a new window)Corlytics and (opens in a new window)Version 1. As such, a core feature of the project is to work closely with domain experts who will both inform the research and contribute domain expertise towards training the models.

You will join the research team in CeADAR: Ireland's Centre for Applied AI. CeADAR's market-focussed agenda is developed in conjunction with its strong membership base of 90 MNCs and SMEs. CeADAR is based in UCD and is a collaboration between UCD and the Technological University Dublin. The cross-institutional team undertakes applied and translational research across a broad spectrum of data analytics and AI and works in close cooperation with the industry members of the Centre.

This is a research focused role, where you will conduct a specified programme of research supported by research training and development under the supervision and direction of a Principal Investigator.

The primary purpose of the role is to further develop your research skills and competences, including the processes of publication in peer-reviewed academic publications, the development of funding proposals, the mentorship of graduate students along with the opportunity to develop your skills in research led teaching.

Competition closes:  15th July 2022

Apply Below (Ref: 014722)


UCD School of Computer Science

University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland, D04 V1W8.
T: +353 1 716 2483 | E: computerscience@ucd.ie | Location Map(opens in a new window)