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UCD Post-doctoral Research Fellow Level 1 # 014752

UCD Post-doctoral Research Fellow Level 1 

Position Summmary

The ‘new normal’ of remote and hybrid working resultant from the Covid-19 pandemic presents an opportunity for enhanced urban health and wellbeing by consolidating the localisation of work, services, and recreation in walkable neighbourhoods. High-quality user-responsive public green spaces are key to realising this opportunity. However, there is currently a divergence between the aspirations of green space users and how such areas are planned, designed and managed. The goal of this Green Space Engage project is to produce an innovative knowledge co-creation methodology that addresses this societal challenge. Grounded in a novel theoretical approach, a unique coalescence of computer science (STEM) and planning/design (AHSS) methods will be mobilised with local communities and key decision-makers to co-create new knowledge on green space perceptions. This new knowledge will inform the co-production of planning, design and management guidance for public urban green spaces. The project is an innovative synergy of research strengths by academic staff in the UCD School of Computer Science and the UCD School of Architecture, Planning and Environmental Policy.

This is a research focused role, where you will conduct a specified programme of research supported by research training and development under the supervision and direction of a Principal Investigator.

The primary purpose of the role is to further develop your research skills and competences, including the processes of publication in peer-reviewed academic publications, the development of funding proposals, the mentorship of graduate students along with the opportunity to develop your skills in research led teaching.

In addition to the Principal Duties and Responsibilities listed below, the successful candidate will also carry out the following duties specific to this project:

  • Develop tools for spatial-temporal data analysis and modelling

  • Spatiotemporal analysis of social media data

  • Develop tools for sentiment analysis

  • Design and development of an online dashboard including geo-visualisation tools and linked to a backend database.

Competition closes:  4th August 2022

Apply Below (Ref: 014752)


UCD School of Computer Science

University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland, D04 V1W8.
T: +353 1 716 2483 | E: computerscience@ucd.ie | Location Map(opens in a new window)