UCD School of Computer Science Ph.D. Scholarships 2020
The School of Computer Science (UCDCS) is offering Scholarships to excellent candidates to pursue a Ph.D. within the School. Awardees will receive a tax-free scholarship of 18,000€/year, plus payment of Ph.D. fees at EU levels, and an allowance of 1,500€ for a PC. The Scholarships will run for up to 4 years, conditional to satisfactory progress, to be evaluated before the end of year 2.
As part of the Scholarship, awardees will be expected to serve as Research Demonstrators/Teaching Assistants within the SCS for 6 hours/week during teaching term.
Candidates must have a first class or upper second-class honours primary degree, or equivalent. If final degree results are not known at the moment of application, offers may be provisionally made, conditional to confirmation of results. Scholarships are to start in the 2020/21 Academic year, preferably by September 1st 2020, though an earlier date may be negotiated.
Candidates should apply in conjunction with a Principal Investigator/academic member of staff from the SCS, who will be their Ph.D. supervisor if the application is successful. As such, applicants should first contact members of staff from the SCS, obtain their approval to complete a Ph.D. under their supervision, and liaise with them while preparing the application. Applications must include details of a Ph.D. research project which should be agreed between the prospective supervisor and the candidate. Candidates who are concurrently applying for other Ph.D. scholarships will be regarded favourably.
All academic staff members from the SCS are eligible as sponsors for applicants. Everything else being equal, members with smaller research groups/lower research funding will be prioritised.
To apply for the scholarship, fill in the Application Form ((opens in a new window)docx), ((opens in a new window)odt) and submit it by email to (opens in a new window)gianluca.pollastri@ucd.ie by November 21st 2019, 5pm GMT. Prospective supervisors will be asked to confirm that they wish to support your application and your named referees will be asked for their references shortly after your submission.
We expect results to be announced in February 2020.