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Doctoral Opportunities

Join the ranks of esteemed scholars by undertaking a doctoral degree at CSD. Our doctoral programs offer opportunities for original research and innovative thinking, allowing you to contribute valuable knowledge to the field of sustainable development. We have a limited number of fully funded doctoral placements. Learn more about our doctoral offerings and how you can contribute to groundbreaking research.

Education for Sustainable Development is not just an opportunity, but a responsibility. We invite you to take up this responsibility with us and become a champion for sustainability.

The Dr. Iseult Honohan PhD Scholarship at UCD School of Politics and International Relations aims to attract top academic talent for PhD studies in political science, international relations, and related interdisciplinary fields. The scholarship offers comprehensive training, mentorship, and professional development opportunities. UCD SPIRe, the oldest and largest of its kind in Ireland, is ranked among the top 100 globally. The scholarship honors Dr. Iseult Honohan, a pioneering female PhD graduate and esteemed academic in normative political theory, who served UCD for over 25 years.

Current Students:

Neha Parikh

Supervisor: Dr. Krishna Chaitanya Vadlamannati

Smrutimayee Sarangi

Supervisor: Prof. Supriya Garikipati

The structured PhD program in Politics and International Relations aligns with the Centre for Sustainable Development's commitment to fostering research that addresses global challenges. The program includes research methods training, specialized coursework, and close mentorship through a Research Studies Panel. Students must specialize in two areas within politics and international relations, with the option to take additional courses in related disciplines. The program is primarily full-time, with part-time options under specific conditions. Applicants must have a strong academic background and secure external funding, such as the Honohan Doctoral Scholarship or an IRC scholarship.

The PhD in Global Human Development, part of the Human Development Initiative (HDI), is a 3-4 year full-time "sandwich" program offered jointly by UCD and partner universities in Tanzania, Malawi, Zimbabwe, and China, or other developing countries. The program targets government personnel and public servants, particularly in East Africa. PhD students are required to spend at least one semester per year at UCD and another at a partner university under local supervision. The program aims to combine the strengths of UCD and its partners to equip students with the tools necessary to address contemporary development issues, particularly those related to the Millennium Development Goals and poverty reduction. Supervisory arrangements involve contributions from both UCD and partner institutions, with non-UCD supervisors submitted for approval as adjunct staff. For further information and to apply for the course, explore at https://www.ucd.ie/spire/study/prospectivephdstudents/phdglobalhumandevelopment/

Current GHD Student

Jambo Ramadhani

Supervisor: Dr. Krishna Chaitanya Vadlamannati

  • IRC Government of Ireland Postgraduate Scholarship

The Government of Ireland Postgraduate Scholarship Programme is a prestigious national initiative that supports outstanding research across all disciplines, from archaeology to zoology. Funded by the Department of Further and Higher Education and managed by the Irish Research Council, this highly competitive program offers individual awards based on an objective international peer review process. The scholarship encourages pioneering, interdisciplinary research, with a success rate of 18% over the past five years. Awardees receive up to €31,000 per year, including a stipend, fee contribution, and research expenses. Applications are submitted through an online system, and potential applicants should review the eligibility criteria carefully. For more details, visit (opens in a new window)https://research.ie/funding/goipg/.

  • Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Grant

The Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) offer grants that support researchers at all career stages, from doctoral candidates to seasoned professionals. The program promotes cross-border, interdisciplinary, and cross-sector collaboration, enhancing partnerships between academia and non-academic organizations like companies, CSOs, hospitals, and public bodies. MSCA funding is flexible and researcher-driven, with no specific thematic focus, making it the EU's flagship program for doctoral and postdoctoral training.

Find more about the grant: https://www.ucd.ie/research/portal/proposal/prepareahorizoneuropeproposal/pillar1/mariecurie/

Find out more about various other research courses offered: https://www.ucd.ie/earth/

Employability and Career Opportunities for Scholars of Sustainable Development Studies

A degree in Sustainable Development opens doors to a diverse array of career opportunities, reflecting the interdisciplinary nature of the field. Graduates can find employment in various sectors such as government, non-profit organizations, consultancy firms, international agencies, and corporations. Roles might include Sustainability Consultant, Environmental Policy Planner, Corporate Sustainability Strategist, and Development Project Manager, among others.

Centre for Sustainable Development

Newman Building, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.
T: +353 1 716 7777 | E: csd.contact@ucd.ie