North West Europe Virtual Rehabilitation Clinic
Work Package 1 is led by Saint Martinsclinic (Netherlands).
The aim of Work Package 1 is to set-up the north-west Europe virtual rehabilitation clinic consisting of an online platform hosting virtual rehabilitation interventions.
As part of Work Package 1, the process and criteria for selecting the virtual interventions will be developed. During the project period a minimum of 12 selected virtual rehabilitation interventions will be released. Next to this a business plan will be developed, including the long-term governance, business model and reimbursement strategy for the virtual rehabilitation clinic. In addition, communication activities will be carried out to inform the target groups about the opportunities the virtual rehabilitation 'clinic' offers.
Work Package 1 will include the following activities:
Virtual rehabilitation clinic framework development
Approval process of online rehabilitation interventions
Implementation strategy development
Creation of a business plan
Development and implementation of a communication plan