We respect that it is your right to choose how you wish to proceed to resolve the issues experienced and we will provide clear and consistent advice as to supports and options and how the University can help you. It is essential that you have control in making decisions on what to do next. Supports such as the Dignity and Respect Report and Support Advisor can discuss and explore options with you to work through what a solution might look like for you and what you would like to happen. In some instances, you may feel that you wish the issue to be resolved informally.
Informal resolution options include the reporting person contacting the person being reported if they feel comfortable doing so or asking the Dignity and Respect Report and Support Advisor to meet with the person being reported. The purpose of this would be to let the person being reported know that the alleged behaviour described is not acceptable and is in contravention of the Sexual Misconduct policy and it should stop. Other options that the reporting person feels will assist them in resolving the issue informally can also be discussed. It is important that someone who is specifically trained in the area of sexual misconduct, either internally or externally, has this discussion with you as the safety of everyone is paramount and any options for resolution needs to be carefully considered.