Learn about the supports available to you as a student, employee, visitor or member of the UCD community

Taking the first step
If you are involved in issues of bullying, harassment or sexual misconduct, it is very important that you talk to someone and avail of the supports that are available in the first instance. There are a wide range of supports that you can contact confidentially, internally and externally, that will provide a non-judgemental listening ear and information. We strongly encourage you to come forward to seek support and to find out more about your options to assist with resolving the issue.
A dedicated Dignity & Respect Support Service was launched on 15 November 2021. Further details are available on this webpage.

Anonymous Reporting Tool
All members of the University Community have the right to study or work in an environment free from bullying, harassment and sexual harassment. Students, staff and visitors to UCD can report anonymously through the (opens in a new window)UCD Report and Support tool.
Please note, using the Report & Support Tool is not the same as Commencing a Formal Complaint.