Learn about the three tiers of Dignity & Respect training which are being rolled out across the University in 2022 and 2023.
Dignity & Respect Training
Page Updated: 21 September 2022
Training and awareness raising in the are of Dignity and Respect plays an essential role in enhancing an inclusive culture to allow everyone to study and work in a respectful environment where behaviours of bullying, harassment and sexual misconduct are not accepted. UCD has invested in this area in 2021 and a number of training offerings will be available in 2022 and 2023.
Tier 1 - Online
Tier 1: Online Dignity& Respect Training programme for all students, employees and others to ensure there is a common understanding of inappropriate behaviours, of everyone's responsibility to be active bystanders and to contribute to a culture of dignity and respect.
The online training for all employees is now available on Brightspace. More details and a communication campaign will be available in due course.
Tier 2 - Face to Face
Tier 2: Face-to-face dignity and respect training and awareness raising programme for key roles that have responsibilities, as outlined in the Bullying and Harassment policy and Sexual Misconduct policy, for supporting and assisting in the resolution of dignity and respect issues and promoting a culture of dignity and respect.
The face-to-face Bullying, Harassment & Sexual Misconduct disclosure training for People Managers launched on 26th May 2022. The purpose of this full-day skill-based training is to ensure that people managers are equipped with the skills and knowledge to support individuals in each area impacted by bullying, harassment or sexual misconduct and to help facilitate a resolution at the earliest possible opportunity. It is essential that People Manager undertake this training. The comprehensive training is delivered by Andrea Adams Consultancy via virtual and in-person sessions in an interactive way and includes bespoke case studies and video scenarios.
There are a number of dates between June and September 2022 currently available. If you are a People Manager with one or more reports and haven't received an email from Prof. Colin Scott about this training in May, please contact (opens in a new window)edi@ucd.ie
Participants are asked to complete a 1-hour online course in advance to gain an understanding of key issues around bullying, harassment and sexual misconduct. To enrol, you need to register on InfoHub for "Building a Respectful Culture at UCD" and then follow these steps:
- Open UCD Connect
- Click on the Brightspace icon on the top right (log-in required)
- Select the course "Building a Respectful Culture at UCD" from My Modules
- Click on My Learning on the top left blue bar to start the training
Tier 3 - In-depth training
Tier 3: In-depth training for those roles that are dedicated to supporting individuals involved in issues of a bullying, harassment or sexual misconduct nature.