The UCD College of Engineering and Architecture comprises six schools. The five Schools of Engineering and the School of Architecture, Planning and Environmental Policy.
Schools and Departments
- UCD School of Architecture, Planning & Environmental Policy
- UCD Environmental Policy
- UCD Landscape Architecture
- UCD School of Biosystems and Food Engineering
- UCD School of Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering
- UCD School of Civil Engineering
- UCD School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
- UCD School of Mechanical and Materials Engineering
Affiliates, Research Groups & Centres
- UCD Adhesion Research Centre
- UCD AmmoniaN2k
- UCD Bekaert Research Centre
- Building in a Climate Emergency Research Group
- Centre for Irish Towns (CfIT)
- UCD China Joint Colleges Office
- UCD Beijing-Dublin International College
- Chang'an Dublin International College of Transportation
- Guangzhou Dublin International College of Life Sciences & Technology
- UCD Biomedical Engineering
- UCD Medical Device Design Group
- UCD Biomedical Sensors and Signals Group
- UCD Neuromuscular Systems
- UCD Circuits and Systems Group
- UCD Fat, Oil & Grease Research Group
- UCD Food Refrigeration and Computerized Food Technology
- UCD Laboratory for Advanced Manufacturing Simulation and Robotics (LAMS)
- UCD Centre for Mechanics
- UCD Spatial Dynamics Lab (SDL)
- UCD Spectral Imaging Research Group
- UCD Surfaces