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Module Level and your Undergraduate Degree
Wednesday, 26 June, 2024
A programme is an approved course of study, the successful completion of which normally leads to a University award.
The award is made when the required number of credits have been successfully accumulated, at appropriate levels, from approved modules, and over an appropriate period of time, and all other programme requirements have been met, as outlined in the programme specification (see General Regulation 3.8 of UCD's Academic Regulations) approved by Academic Council and/or its sub-committees.
Below is the information relating to the Module Levels applying to the undergraduate Honours Bachelor’s degrees in Engineering: Bachelor of Engineering, BSc (Engineering Science) and BSc (Structural Engineering with Architecture). Students intending to pursue the 5-year BSc/ME pathway should be mindful of this information when selecting elective modules particularly in respect of the 3-year 180 credit BSc (Engineering Science) degree award.
Module level restrictions for Honours Bachelor Degrees
- Level 0: 10 ECTS credits maximum
- Level 2: a minimum of 100 ECTS credits must be at level 2 or above*
- Level 3: a minimum of 40 ECTS credits must be at level 3 or above
* These modules may include the 40 ECTS credits of Level 3 modules that are also required.
UCD’s Academic Regulations
All students, including students returning to their programme following a leave of absence or withdrawal, are governed by the Academic Regulations in place in the academic session they (re-)register.