Extenuating Circumstances
Current Students
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- Extenuating Circumstances
- Student Continuation Procedure
- College Statement on Academic Integrity
- Late Submission of Coursework
UCD has a policy for Extenuating Circumstances that allows consideration of unforeseen circumstances that had a serious effect on your ability to engage with your modules. Grounds for consideration must be serious, beyond your control and you must provide suitable supporting evidence. Not every circumstance is regarded as extenuating and you will find guidance in the Student Guide to Extenuating Circumstances on the UCD Current Students website.
Typical grounds for applying include documented mental or physical illness, hospitalisation, accident, family illness or bereavement or other serious personal or emotional circumstances relating to you or direct dependents you care for. Supporting evidence is required.
Letter of support from qualified professionals:
For Bereavements
Please note that original documentation must be retained by you for possible future inspection. |
Situations not usually covered include sporting or working commitments, misreading the exam timetable, travel, personal arrangements or technical issues. If you encounter technical issues, please take a time stamped screenshot and contact your module coordinator in the first instance for advice. And remember to always back up your work as you go along. You can also contact the (opens in a new window)IT Helpdesk for support.
Disability Support Unit
All students with a disability or significant ongoing illness in UCD have the opportunity to receive relevant reasonable accommodations or support via the Disability Support Unit in UCD Access and Lifelong Learning. Students can also seek 'temporary' support during the examination period. However, there is usually a deadline set by Disability Support to ensure these arrangements are put in place for you. Please consult Disability Support for further information.
If you are not sure whether your situation is covered by the policy, please contact us via the EngArch Student Connector for advice or contact the College Student Adviser Dr Julia Maher.
IN TRIMESTER - Continuous Assessment
Components Affected | What to do? | Timeframe | No Local Solution? |
- Class Test/Quiz |
You should contact the module coordinator as soon as possible as they may be able to facilitate local arrangements. | Within ten days of the due date of any assessment. | If a local solution is not possible, then you can apply for formal Extenuating Circumstance online via SISWeb. |
If you know in advance that you are not going to meet a submission deadline, the Late Submission of Coursework Policy applies. Granting an extension is at the discretion of the Module Coordinator. | Submit the paper application form to the module coordinator or school office prior to the submission date/deadline |
END OF TRIMESTER - Examination Period
Components Affected | What to do? | Timeframe |
End of Trimester Examination |
If you experience difficulties that have a negative impact on your academic performance, you can seek to have these extenuating circumstances taken into consideration before confirming your grades. An application for extenuating circumstances should be submitted as soon as possible and before the final deadline. Applications are considered only in relation to the trimester in which they are made. Supporting evidence is required. |
Within 5 working days of the end of the University examination period. This is Friday 23 May 2025 for the 2024/25 Spring Trimester Examinations |
What to do? | Timeframe |
Late or retrospective applications will be considered only in exceptional circumstances |
Contact the College Office via the EngArch Student Connector for advice within one trimester (inclusive of the Summer trimester May-Aug) |
Remediating IX Grades | Actions you need to take |
If you are awarded an IX grade due to Extenuating Circumstances there are a number of steps you need to take in order to remediate the grade(s). Please see: |
WN Grades - Guidance | Actions you need to take |
If you are awarded a W grade due to Extenuating Circumstances there are a number of registration related steps you need to take in the next academic year. |
WN Grades Explained |