IX Grades Explained
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IX Grades - what are these?
This is a grade that can be given if you are unable to complete part of your module assessment due to extenuating circumstances such as a short illness. Documentation is required, e.g. medical certificate, stating why you were unable to complete the module. The College Governing Board decides if the IX grade will be awarded.
How do IX grades impact registration and fees:
- An IX is grade point neutral, which means it does not count towards your GPA.
- Credit is only awarded on completion of outstanding work – the IX grade will then be changed to the new grade.
- There is no registration associated with an IX grade and therefore no additional fees are incurred.
Next steps:
- Contact your module coordinator directly in relation to the remediation of the module as they decide on how and when the grade is remediated.
- Outstanding work must be completed within two trimesters (maximum) of the first attempt at the module (per academic regulation 4.31 pertaining to IX grades). The Summer trimester (i.e. May to August) is included within this timeframe and is applicable to both undergraduate and graduate taught students.
- if the module is not remediated within that time-frame then the original grade will be reapplied at the end of the two trimesters. It will be your responsibility to follow up on subsequent resit or repeat registration as appropriate to ensure your registration record is up to date if this occurs.
- If you have any queries about the above, please consult with your College Office via the Student Connector.
What happens if my Module Coordinator advises that I register to the resit to remediate the IX?
If your module coordinator decides that the resit at the end of the trimester is the most suitable method of remediation you need to do the following:
- You do not need to ‘register’ for an IX resit. This is because there is no registration or resit registration status associated with an IX award.
- If the exam is being held in the RDS (or an alternative location if you are registered with UCD Access and Lifelong Learning), you will need to make it known to the invigilator that you are sitting an IX paper (as there is no resit registration associated with the IX you will not have an examination number for the module). You will then be seated in an IX area.
- If the resit exam is being held locally instead, the module coordinator will make those details known to you.
Further Information
Further information can be found under the Other Grades heading at: https://www.ucd.ie/students/exams/gradingandremediation/understandinggrades/