WN Grades Explained
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WN Grades - What are these?
WN means withdrawn from a module if a student has been unable to satisfactorily attend or participate with a module due to extenuating circumstances.
In the context of Extenuating Circumstances, the College Governing Board decides if the WN grade will be awarded and it provides the student with an opportunity to take the same module again i.e. full re-attendance, when it is next offered.
How do WN grades impact registration and fees:
- The modules are included in the credits for free fees. However, when the student takes the same module again, there is no charge for that second attempt i.e. the module will only be counted once, or the student will only have to pay for it once, depending on the circumstances.
Next steps:
- Students can normally re-register for WN modules online. If you register to the module again it is treated as a first attempt. If the WN module is a core module, it must be taken again.
- If you register for an alternative module, there will be fee implications as additional modules are not included in free fees.
- If you need assistance with registration you should consult with your College Office via the Student Connector.
Further Information
Further information can be found under the Other Grades heading at: https://www.ucd.ie/students/exams/gradingandremediation/understandinggrades/