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Student Continuation Procedure

Thursday, 30 November, 2023

Procedure Scope

The College of Engineering and Architecture seeks to support students, progressing through their taught programme, in achieving their potential.

This procedure outlines the interventions in place, designed to support student progression through to completion of their programme of study in a timely manner. Students are encouraged to avail of supports and guidance available to them at UCD, as required. This procedure will work in conjunction with the University’s Continuation – Academic Progress Policy and Procedures.

Students who fail to engage with the interventions outlined below may be referred to the Governing Board to consider discontinuing a student’s registration to their programme. The interventions outlined in this procedure will be implemented following the publication of the final results at the end of each academic year

The full University policy Continuation – Academic Progress Policy and Procedures along with FAQ's can be found here.

Procedure Scope

The College of Engineering and Architecture seeks to support students, progressing through their taught programme, in achieving their potential.

This procedure outlines the interventions in place, designed to support student progression through to completion of their programme of study in a timely manner. Students are encouraged to avail of supports and guidance available to them at UCD, as required. This procedure will work in conjunction with the University’s Continuation – Academic Progress Policy and Procedures.

Students who fail to engage with the interventions outlined below may be referred to the Governing Board to consider discontinuing a student’s registration to their programme. The interventions outlined in this procedure will be implemented following the publication of the final results at the end of each academic year

The full University policy Continuation – Academic Progress Policy and Procedures can be found here.

We've also prepared a number of FAQs here.

A student will receive an Academic Warning, at the end of an academic year, if he/she is performing at an unsatisfactory level.

This is defined as having failed 15 or more credits across their programme of study having no record of extenuating circumstances.

The student will be identified following the publication of the final results for the academic year.

The student will receive notification of the Academic Warning via their UCD Connect e-mail account.

The student will be required to meet with a designated member of staff to devise a plan of action with specific targets to be met for passing failed modules within an agreed timeframe. The student may be referred to the Engineering and Architecture College Office or other campus services (such as the Maths Support Centre, Writing Centre, UCD Access and Lifelong Learning, etc.) for specific supports, and/or a reduced workload (i.e. fewer than 30 credits/trimester) or a Leave of Absence may be agreed:

3.8 Governing Boards shall monitor student workloads and where, in the opinion of a Governing Board, a student’s workload is unsustainable, it may, following appropriate consultation with the student, require that the student’s workload be reduced to sustainable levels. (Academic Regulations - Regulation 3.8 Workload)

If the targets are met within the agreed timeframe, and the student performs at a satisfactory level in the subsequent trimester the Academic Warning will expire.

If a student on Academic Warning fails to achieve the specific targets within the agreed timeframe, he/she will be placed on Academic Probation

The student will receive notification of Academic Probation via  their UCD Connect e-mail account. The student is required to meet their Programme Director to devise a plan of action to address their situation.  The student may be referred to the Engineering and Architecture College Office or other campus services (such as the Maths Support Centre, Writing Centre, UCD Access and Lifelong Learning, etc.) for specific supports, and/or a reduced workload (i.e. fewer than 30 credits/trimester) or a Leave of Absence may be agreed:

3.8 Governing Boards shall monitor student workloads and where, in the opinion of a Governing Board, a student’s workload is unsustainable, it may, following appropriate consultation with the student, require that the student’s workload be reduced to sustainable levels. (Academic Regulations - Regulation 3.8 Workload)

If the targets are met within the agreed timeframe and the student performs at a satisfactory level in the subsequent trimester the Academic Probation status will expire. If these targets are not met, within the agreed timeframe the student will remain on Academic Probation.

Notification of students remaining on Academic Probation for a period of an academic year beyond their agreed timeframe will be required to meet with the Dean of Engineering or governing board representatives for consideration of their eligibility to continue in the programme. The University regulation on continuation will apply.

Readmission, within the context of this policy, refers to the readmission of a former student who was previously deemed ineligible to continue in a UCD programme under the Continuation and Readmission process and who has a recorded registration status of ‘discontinued’. Former students wishing to be readmitted require the University’s permission. The diagram below describes the continuation process for taught programmes as published on the Continuation and Readmission Website.

Student Continuation Procedure

Thursday, 30 November, 2023

Procedure Scope

The College of Engineering and Architecture seeks to support students, progressing through their taught programme, in achieving their potential.

This procedure outlines the interventions in place, designed to support student progression through to completion of their programme of study in a timely manner. Students are encouraged to avail of supports and guidance available to them at UCD, as required. This procedure will work in conjunction with the University’s Continuation – Academic Progress Policy and Procedures.

Students who fail to engage with the interventions outlined below may be referred to the Governing Board to consider discontinuing a student’s registration to their programme. The interventions outlined in this procedure will be implemented following the publication of the final results at the end of each academic year

The full University policy Continuation – Academic Progress Policy and Procedures along with FAQ's can be found here.


UCD College of Engineering and Architecture

Room 122 & Room 126, UCD Engineering and Materials Science Centre, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland
T: +353 1 716 1868 | E: eng.arch@ucd.ie