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Recent Lab visit by UCD Engineering & Architecture to Sheffield University Diamond Centre

Friday, 7 June, 2024

During the visit to the Multidisciplinary Engineering Education Department at the University of Sheffield, visitors explored various practical activities.

The morning was spent between the Materials Lab and the Structures Lab. In the former, visitors engaged with the Danger Lab, working through a risk assessment before performing small-scale impact tests on samples at room and cryogenic temperatures (with samples dipped in liquid nitrogen before testing). In the Structures Lab, they participated in the Creative Construction Challenge, an open-ended activity where different groups competed to build the strongest structures using different types of cardboard and meeting specific design requirements (height, span, etc.).

The afternoon focused on practical aspects of biological engineering. They began at the Bioengineering-Bacterial Lab, where they learned about microbial cell culture for bioproducts and food industry applications like yoghurt and cheese production. This involved designing experimental protocols and evaluating product quality and shelf life. Next, they engaged in a virtual reality and heart rhythm measurement activity, investigating the effects of different filtering techniques on ECG waveforms and designing experiments to test physiological responses.

Lastly, at the Bioengineering-Tissue Lab, they experimented with encapsulating cells in alginate for safe delivery into the body and competed to create the longest alginate "worm," learning about polymers and hydrogels and their applications.

UCD College of Engineering and Architecture

Room 122 & Room 126, UCD Engineering and Materials Science Centre, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland
T: +353 1 716 1868 | E: eng.arch@ucd.ie