Horizon Europe
- A Sustainable Future
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- Horizon Europe
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- The UCD STEM Challenge Fund
- Smurfit Kappa Newman Fellowship Award
- Impact Showcase
- Wall of Frames 2024
UCD College of Engineering & Architecture has an excellent track record of participating in European and international research and innovation collaborations. Current Horizon Europe collaborative projects funded by the European Commission that the College is involved in – either as co-ordinator or a partner – are listed below.
The College is open to exploring new / potential collaboration opportunities in relation to future Horizon Europe calls. Anyone wishing to explore opportunities for potential new collaborations with UCD College of Engineering & Architecture is invited to peruse this list of current projects to help identify potential areas of shared interest, and to then contact the respective UCD School.
(opens in a new window)Horizon Europe is the EU Research & Innovation Programme 2021 – 27 which aims to:
- Tackle climate change
- Help to achieve the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals
- Boost the EU’s competitiveness and growth
- Facilitate collaboration and strengthen the impact of research and innovation in developing, supporting and implementing EU policies while tackling global challenges
- Support the creation and better diffusion of excellent knowledge and technologies
- Create jobs, fully engage the EU’s talent pool, boost economic growth, promote industrial competitiveness and optimise investment impact within a strengthened European Research Area.
With a total budget of €95.5 billion (2021-2027), the Horizon Europe programme structure includes:
- Pillar I - Excellent Science: reinforcing and extending the excellence of the Union's science base.
- Pillar II - Clusters Global Challenges & European Industrial Competitiveness: boosting key technologies and solutions underpinning EU policies & Sustainable Development Goals. Includes 6 Clusters: Health; Culture Creativity Inclusive Society; Civil Security for Society; Digital Industry Space; Climate Energy Mobility; Food Bioeconomy Natural Resources Agriculture and Environment.
- Pillar III - Innovative Europe: stimulating market-creating breakthroughs and ecosystems conducive to innovation.
- EU Missions: Pillar II of Horizon Europe also provides budget funding to support (opens in a new window)EU Missions in Horizon Europe in five areas that are also connected to and supported by EU policies and programmes with local action and citizen engagement. Missions include Adaptation to Climate Change; Cancer; Climate Neutral and Smart Cities; Restore our Oceans and Waters; and the Soil mission.
Current Horizon Europe (HE) Projects (Pillar 2)
Members of the UCD College of Engineering & Architecture particate on the following collaborative projects that were awarded under Horizon Europe Pillar 2 during 2022-24. Each project title links to the European Commission’s CORDIS website which gives a project description and further details.
Projects with an asterisk * are co-ordinated by University College Dublin (UCD).
HE - Cluster 1: Health
School | Project |
UCD School of Architecture, Planning & Environmental Policy |
UCD School of Architecture, Planning & Environmental Policy |
(opens in a new window)SoluTions foR mItiGatinG climate-induced hEalth tReaths (TRIGGER) |
HE - Cluster 2: Culture Creativity Inclusive Society
School | Project |
UCD School of Architecture, Planning & Environmental Policy & UCD School of Civil Engineering |
HE - Cluster 3: Civil Security for Society
School | Project |
UCD School of Civil Engineering & UCD School of Architecture, Planning & Environmental Policy |
HE - Cluster 4: Digital Industry Space
School | Project |
UCD School of Mechanical & Materials Engineering |
(opens in a new window)Sustainable Transition to the Agile and Green Enterprise (STAGE) |
UCD School of Mechanical & Materials Engineering |
(opens in a new window)VOICE: Valorisation of Artist Led Innovation through Citizen Engagement |
HE - Cluster 5: Climate Energy Mobility
School | Project |
UCD School of Civil Engineering |
UCD School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering |
UCD School of Biosystems & Food Engineering |
UCD School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering |
UCD School of Civil Engineering |
(opens in a new window)Smart Enforcement of Transport Operations (SETO)* |
UCD School of Civil Engineering |
(opens in a new window)TRA2026 (Transport Research Arena 2026: Budapest) |
UCD School of Civil Engineering |
(opens in a new window)Transport Research Arena 2024: Dublin (TRA2024)* |
HE - Cluster 6: Food Bioeconomy Natural Resources Agriculture and Environment
School | Project |
UCD School of Biosystems & Food Engineering |
UCD School of Architecture, Planning & Environmental Policy |
(opens in a new window)Activating rural communities to act for change (RURACTIVE) |
UCD School of Biosystems & Food Engineering |
UCD School of Architecture, Planning & Environmental Policy |
UCD School of Biosystems & Food Engineering |
UCD School of Biosystems & Food Engineering and UCD School of Mechanical & Materials Engineering |
(opens in a new window)Education for the BioEconomy (BioBeo)* |
UCD School of Biosystems & Food Engineering |
UCD School of Biosystems & Food Engineering and UCD School of Chemical & Bioprocess Engineering |
HE Mission-Climate-Neutral and Smart Cities
School | Project |
UCD School of Architecture Planning and Environmental Policy |