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IE-NARR Project Team

Treasa de Loughry profile

Dr Treasa De Loughry

I am a Lecturer/ Associate Professor in World Literature and the Environmental Humanities in the School of English, Drama and Film at University College Dublin; and I am Principal Investigator on IE-NARR. I am interested in how energy transitions are registered in literature and culture, historically and currently, and what this might tell us about the role of culture in facilitating more just future socio-ecological imaginaries.

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Profile of Tomas Buitendijk

Dr Tomas Buitendijk

I am a Post-Doctoral Research Fellow based at the Earth Institute and the iCRAG SFI Research Centre in Applied Geosciences, both at University College Dublin. I am a Co-Principal Investigator on IE-NARR. In my work, I combine theory and methodologies from the Blue and Environmental Humanities and the Marine Social Sciences to develop new insights into community connections with the coastal and marine landscape, and the impact of change.

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Profile of Patrick Brodie

Dr Patrick Brodie

I am an Assistant Professor and Ad Astra Fellow in the School of Information and Communication Studies at University College Dublin, and a Co-Principal Investigator on IE-NARR. I am interested in how contemporary energy transitions are being shaped and influenced by digital transformation, and how we align our concepts of environmental justice to confront these regimes of green/digital growth.

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Profile of Zoe O'Reilly

Dr Zoë O'Reilly

I am a lecturer and researcher, and research assistant on the IE-NARR project. I am interested in the continued overlaps between extractivist thinking which has resulted, on the one hand, in racism, slavery and colonisation, and, on the other, in the exploitation of land and resources and in consumerist culture. I am also interested in mapping narratives of identity, belonging and relationship to place through creative and collaborative methodologies.

Profile photo of Rosie O'Reilly

Rosie O'Reilly

I work across sound, sculpture, written work and drawing at the nexus of art and science. I’m interested in how a transdisciplinary approach can bring a multiplicity of disciplines together in an experimental process of research-creation. My practice is collaborative and embedded and starts with the values of interspecies coexistence, social justice and care with energy and extractive modes of production as key points of interrogation.

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Irish Energy Narratives in the Transition (IE-NARR)

University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.
E: tomas.buitendijk@ucd.ie