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Mary-Kelly-Quinn profile picture

Assoc Professor Mary Kelly-Quinn

Assoc Professor Mary Kelly-Quinn is Senior Lecturer, University College Dublin (UCD); Director of the Online Masters in Environmental Sustainability at UCD; Director of Aquens Ltd. (Campus Company) ; and P.I. of the Freshwater Biodiversity, Ecology and Fisheries Research Group at UCD. Her primary research activities focus on the assessment of land-use and other anthropogenic activities on the hydrochemical and ecological quality of surface waters. She has completed studies on the aquatic habitats of peatlands, agricultural, upland, urban and forested landscapes as well as canals and constructed wetlands. Further afield, she is collaborating with Operation Wallacea to develop a water quality biotic index for the Merendon Mountains region of Honduras and with the University of Addis Ababa.

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Paul Slezak profile picture

Dr Paul Slezak

Dr Paul Slezak joined the School of Earth Sciences in 2019. He has a BSc in Earth Science from New Mexico Tech, an MSc in Geology from Queen’s University, and a PhD in Geochemistry from James Cook University. His PhD focussed on using in situ chemical and isotope analyses of key mineral phases to establish the petrogenesis of the Gifford Creek Carbonatite Complex in Western Australia. Prior to his PhD, he previously worked in the geological/geotechnical engineering and mining/mineral exploration sectors.

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Anna Bidgood profile picture

Dr Anna Bidgood

Dr Anna Bidgood is a postdoctoral researcher in the School of Earth Sciences at UCD. She is currently researching how geological occurrences of metals are formed in the Earth’s crust and how these metals can be moved around, particularly during mountain-building events. Anna’s research focusses on metals which are necessary to decarbonise our society, such as copper and cobalt. In 2020, Anna was awarded a PhD from the University of Oxford where she studied the tectonics of the Himalayan mountains and determined, from the record preserved in minerals and rocks, what happened during the initial collision of India with Asia, ~ 46 million years ago.

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a photo of Dr Lachlan Fleetwood

Dr Lachlan Fleetwood

Dr Lachlan Fleetwood is an Irish Research Council postdoctoral fellow in the School of History at University College Dublin, which he joined following a PhD at the University of Cambridge. Parts of his research on scientific instruments, altitude physiology and mountains have been published in the journals History of Science, Itinerario and Notes and Records. At UCD, he is developing a new project on environmental determinism and empire in scientific surveys of the mountains and deserts of Central Asia and Mesopotamia. His first book, Science on the Roof of the World: Empire and the Remaking of the Himalaya, is out with Cambridge University Press in May 2022.

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Contact the UCD Mountain Research Group

University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.
E: graeme.warren@ucd.ie