

Marine and Seabed Research Group (MarSea) workshop and networking
The new UCD Marine and Seabed Research Group (MarSea) will host an interactive workshop and networking event on 16 January 2025 in Room 2.40 ALE, Science Hub, UCD Centre for Science, 10:00 to 13:00. 
UCD MarSea, supported by the Earth Institute strategic priority awards, is led by Dr. Mark Coughlan (School of Earth Sciences), Dr. Jennifer Keenahan and Dr. Shauna Creane (School of Civil Engineering), and Dr. James Herterich (School of Mathematics and Statistics). It aims to establish a welcoming forum and working group that will explore the complex interaction between geological, oceanographic, environmental and biological factors that control the evolution of the seafloor. In addition, the group will examine the implications these interactions can have on the sustainable use of the seafloor in terms of infrastructure development and marine spatial planning, including marine protected areas. 
This event will highlight UCD MarSea's vision, and provides the opportunity for you to get involved as a collaborator. The event will consist of two working sessions and networking opportunities, along the following schedule:
  • 10 - 11 am: Session 1: website launch and a number of lightning talks to showcase our colleagues relevant research and/or lab facilities
  • 11 - 11.30am: Networking Coffee
  • 11.30am - 12.30 pm: Session 2: Project Collaboration Exercise (details to be confirmed)
  • 12.30pm: Networking lunch.
To register your attendance to the event, and/or to show your interest in joining this research group, we invite you to complete this google form.