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Time: September 8th to 12th, 2025

Location: Sevilla, Andalucía, Spain

Dr Sharon O'Rourke and Prof. Paul Murphy are on the organising committee for this upcoming conference. This is a big one and not to be missed by soil researchers!

With an anticipated attendance of more than 2000 delegates, EUROSOIL 2025 will encompass all scientific aspects of Soil Science, offering a platform for researchers, scholars and professionals to exchange knowledge, insights, and innovations. This event will provide invaluable opportunities for networking, collaboration, and learning, fostering advancements in the field of Soil Sciences.

For more information visit the EUROSOIL 2025 webpage (opens in a new window)here.

Lyons Farm walking tour

Time: Monday 17th June, 10 am – 3 pm

Location: Lyon’s Farm, Lyons Estate, Kildare ((opens in a new window)map location

Join UCD SoilSphere for a walking tour of field experiments at Lyons Farm that include a soil research component and to get a sense of the important work happening there in relation to food security and climate change adaptation and mitigation in Ireland.

Registration is now open. To reserve your place, please visit (opens in a new window)this link.

The morning will kick off with a welcome by Lyon’s Farm Director Eddie Jordan before setting off on foot to visit three main locations across the farm. Six field experiments will be introduced by research project coordinators followed by an opportunity for discussion at each experiment. The experiments include grassland and arable management and cover themes in soil carbon sequestration (CFunction; Dr. Sharon O’Rourke), long-term experiment infrastructure (Long-term Grazing Platform; Dr. Paul Murphy) and associated soil, water and greenhouse gas monitoring (FASTEN, ISMON & NASCO; Dr. Paul Murphy), development of decision support framework for arable crops (The Long Term Crop Establishment System Trial; Conor Kehoe), soil biodiversity (the long-term grazing platform, Field 90; Dr. Helen Sheridan), soil gaseous emission (CropGas; Dr. Mary Harty) and drought and flooding effects on grassland (Delivering food security from grasslands: root microbial networks and resilient agriculture; Dr. Tancredi Caruso).

We request all participants make their own/shared travel arrangements and meet outside the Farm Reception area for a 10 am start. Please wear suitable footwear and dress for the weather. On farm transport will be provided for anyone who may require it. 

If weather allows, and in the spirit of the meeting, we hope to have lunch in the field at Lyon’s Hill. Please bring a packed lunch. Otherwise, lunch will move indoors to the new AgTechUCD Innovation Centre. 

For more information on Lyon’s Farm please visit the website here.

For more information on SoilSphere please visit the SoilSphere website.

Small green shoots emerging from dark soil

SoilSphere Grants and Funding Information Event

Time:  29 May, 10:30am–12:30pm

Location: H2.40, Science Hub, O'Brien Centre

The SoilSphere project leads are hosting an event in collaboration with the Earth Institute to provide guidance and information on existing funding streams at national and international levels with a focus on soil research. This event is open to all UCD researchers. 

To register for this event please fill in this (opens in a new window)short form.

The event will include an overview from Caitriona Devery, Earth Institute Research Manager, on current funding calls ranging from postdoctoral fellowships to project and networking grants, primarily at national level. Guest speaker Dr Willie Ryan, National Contact Point for Horizon Europe Cluster 6 (Food, Bioeconomy, Natural Resources, Agriculture, Environment), will present on the Horizon Europe programme and forthcoming relevant topics, the EU Missions including the Soil Mission, and the Soil Mirror Group established to maximise Ireland’s impact on the Soil Deal for Europe. Dr Sónia Negrão, UCD School of Biology & Environmental Science, will provide an account of her experience on EU-funded consortium projects and as coordinator of a COST Action, to provide context on how that collaborative network was built and the process involved in working towards the point of applying for funding at European level. Following the talks there will be Q&A and time to collectively discuss potential research projects and next steps.

The aim is that this will be a useful event to supply researchers with points of reference and insight to plan their own projects at a variety of scales and with better knowledge of the project funding landscape. Lunch will be provided after the event.

Image credit: Markus Spiske, sourced from Unsplash


University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.
E: soilsphere@ucd.ie