The UCD School of Earth Sciences has an internationally recognised reputation for excellence in teaching and research in the areas of Fault Analysis, Geochronology, Petrology and Isotope Geochemistry, Geophysics, Earth Resources, Sustainable Geoenergy, Marine and Earth Surface Processes, Palaeobiology, Geohazards, Quaternary Geoscience and Palaeoclimatology.

About the school
Our degree programmes reflect the evolving needs of society and industry, producing graduates with modern field, digital and geospatial skills that are nationally and internationally highly regarded by prospective employers. Along with our BSc in Geology and MSc in Subsurface Characterisation and Geomodelling, we offer PhD and MSc by research. The school hosts the Irish Centre for Research in Applied Geosciences (iCRAG), one of 16 National SFI Research Centres: iCRAG conducts research in areas critical to society and the economy, including the sustainable discovery of raw materials, the energy transition, securing and protecting groundwater, geohazards and the crossover between geoscience and the social sciences. The school also hosts the National Centre for Isotope Geochemistry at UCD (NCIG), a world class analytical facility. We have a vibrant international community comprising researchers from over 15 countries and research funding typically exceeding €2 million per year.