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SGA 2019 Pre-conference Field Trip

SGA 2019 Pre-conference Field Trip

A memorable five day excursion to Irish base metal deposits was held from 22nd to 26th August, 2019, as a pre-conference field trip for the SGA 2019 Biennial Meeting in Glasgow. It brought in sixteen experts in base metal mineral deposits from five continents and was organised by iCRAG researchers Assoc. Prof. Julian Menuge and Geological Survey Ireland Postdoctoral Research Fellow Dr Steve Hollis.

John SGA 2019 Pre-conference Field Trip

John Guven talking about the Lisheen deposit

The group criss-crossed the country to be introduced to mineral deposits in Avoca, Co.  Wicklow; The Burren, Co. Clare; Stonepark, Co. Limerick; Silvermines and Lisheen, Co. Tipperary; the Copper Coast, Co. Waterford; and Navan, Co. Meath. With different experts from academia, industry and government leading at each locality, the group was introduced to the history, current practice and future prospects for base metal mining in Ireland. They were shown mining operations past and present, examined mineralized outcrops and drill core, and brought their expertise to bear in a range of fruitful discussions with the organisers and leaders. As a bonus, they were also able to appreciate some of the cultural and landscape features of Ireland, greatly enhanced by five days of almost continuous warm, sunny weather.

SGA 2019 Pre-conference Field Trip

Walking into an abandoned copper mine at Avoca