Research in the School covers a broad spectrum of geoscience topics with a seamless transition between pure and applied research and an increasing emphasis on multidisciplinary projects. We continue to value field-based research and also work extensively with subsurface datasets. The School is equipped with world-class analytical facilities for geochemical and radiogenic isotopic analysis as well as a wide range of software, some of it developed in-house, for geovisualisation, subsurface interpretation, geomodelling, and remote sensing.

Our Research
We are very proud of our international reputation for research excellence in Earth Sciences. Our work has been widely published in leading international journals covering the full range of geoscience disciplines. Current research themes include Earth Resources, Fault Analysis, Geohazards, Geophysics, Petrology and Isotope Geochemistry, Marine and Earth Surface Processes, Palaeobiology, Quaternary Geoscience and Palaeoclimatology, and Sustainable Geoenergy. We perform both fundamental and applied research, with a focus on current societal challenges including the energy transition, environmental change, geohazards and access to natural resources. The high profile of our research is reflected in the success of grant applications to national and international agencies, the foundation of iCRAG ((opens in a new window)Irish Centre of Research in Applied Geosciences), and the support from industry, both within Ireland and internationally. In recent years members of the School have won funding amounting to approximately €2 million per year, with an associated growth in our research community of faculty, post-doctoral researchers and PhD students to around 50 people.