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UCD School of Earth Sciences are pleased to announce the award of €748,000 for 3-year assessment of Ireland’s offshore potential for geological storage, funded by the SEAI National Energy RD&D Funding Programme and the Geological Survey Ireland. The project team includes Dr Kara English, Prof Peter Haughton, Dr Conrad Childs, Dr Joseph English, Dr Pablo Rodriguez-Salgado, Prof John Walsh and Dr Tom Manzocchi. 

Ireland possesses many potential sites for offshore geological storage, where fluids (CO2, H2) can be injected and stored in porous reservoirs deep underground. Geological storage reservoirs can be used to assist with decarbonisation of the energy systems and stabilise energy supply. These technologies can include carbon capture and storage that is captured from natural gas powered electricity plants and biomass energy sites, whereas underground storage can also be used to stabilise intermittent renewable energy, by storing hydrogen produced by electrolysis from excess wind energy or other means. Hydrogen requires large storage volumes due to its low density, and storage in porous reservoirs (i.e. sandstone) may be an option for Ireland (in addition to salt caverns). Geological storage of methane has been utilised in the offshore reservoir of SW Kinsale gas field in the Celtic Sea, and the technology, regulation and infrastructure has been proven in the past, but at present, geological storage for other uses is not permitted. This timely evaluation of Ireland’s offshore geological units will build on past evaluations, and determine where geological reservoir conditions are most appropriate for storage. The results of this project will provide an evidence-based evaluation of the potential of Ireland’s offshore, and provide publicly available maps and related information related to offshore geological storage options. 

Map above from: English, J.M. and English, K.L (2023). Overview of hydrogen and geostorage potential in Ireland, First Break, 41(4), 41-49. (opens in a new window)https://doi.org/10.3997/1365-2397.fb2023025

Related articles:

English, J.M. and English, K.L. (2022a). An overview of carbon capture and storage and its potential role in the energy transition, First Break, Vol. 40(4) 35-40. (opens in a new window)https://doi.org/10.3997/1365-2397.fb2022028

English, J.M. and English, K.L. (2022b). Carbon capture and storage potential in Ireland – returning carbon whence it came, First Break, 40(5), 35-43. (opens in a new window)https://doi.org/10.3997/1365-2397.fb2022035

English, J.M., English, K.L, Dunphy R.B., Blake, S., Walsh, J., Raine, R., Vafeas, N.A., Rodriguez-Salgado, P. (2023). An overview of deep geothermal energy and tis potential on the island of Ireland. First Break, 41(2), 33-43. (opens in a new window)https://doi.org/10.3997/1365-2397.fb2023009
