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Crowell, Clara

Refining Ireland's glacial history to de-risk mineral exploration


PhD Candidate: Clara Crowell

Supervisor: Dr Sam Kelley

Funded by: Science Foundation Ireland and iCRAG


Investigating how past glaciations modify landscapes using both quantitative and qualitative methods. I will be using cosmogenic nuclides and remote mapping to develop a methodology for assessing landscape modification and the potential for applying drift prospecting in Ireland. Drift prospecting has a long history of use in Canada and Scandinavia, but is under-utilized as a mineral exploration technique in Ireland. It requires a detailed understanding of the landscape evolution to analyse paleo-ice flow directions and dispersal patterns of past glaciations. Understanding how past glaciations can modify a landscape not only enhances our ability to reconstruct past ice sheets and ice dynamics, but also allows us to explore and develop new techniques that aid in finding the next generation of Irish mineral deposits.