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Adaptation, mitigation and protection strategies to increase resilience of Irish forests to address the impacts of climate change

Adaptation, mitigation and protection strategies to increase resilience of Irish forests to address the impacts of climate change

People: Flavio Storino, Ultan O'Donnell, One postdoc,(opens in a new window)Marialaura Destefanis (DAFM),(opens in a new window)Amanda Brechon (DAFM),(opens in a new window)Annmarie Hamilton (Coillte),(opens in a new window)Archie Murchie (AFBI),(opens in a new window)Niall Farrelly (Teagasc)(opens in a new window)Conor McGee (DAFM),(opens in a new window)Richard O'Hanlon (DAFM),(opens in a new window)Jon Yearsley (UCD)

Project description

Scots Pine stand in Ireland

This research is pillar 3 of the project entitled "Adaptation, mitigation and protection strategies to increase resilience of Irish forests to address the impacts of climate change (ADAPTForRes)". The ADAPTForRes project(opens in a new window)main website is here.

The ADAPTForRes project is a multidisciplinary collaboration between seven institutions (UCD, Teagasc, AFBI, University of Limerick, Trinity College Dublin, DAFM, and the National Botanic Gardens) across the Ireland of Ireland. The project aims to protect the ecosystem services delivered by Irish forests in the face of environmental perturbations by developing the resilience of forest ecosystems in three strategic pillars:

  1. forest genetic options,
  2. forest management practices,
  3. forest protection measures

Pillar 3, will conduct research in forest protection, including a global horizon scanning and pest risk assessment of key forest species, and examine the potential of an innovative risk-based surveillance network (using sentinel sites) to detect and track the progression of pathogens in Irish forests. There is provision for the development of an authenticated reference pest collection for assisting plant health regulations.

Outreach & Publications

"THE BOOKS OF INVASIONS: LOOKING AT HISTORIC FORESTY PESTS & PATHOGENS" (Poster presented at the IEA Conference 5-6th Jan 2023)


Ecological Modelling

University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.
T: +353 1 716 7777 |