Online Pest Risk Analysis Modelling (OPRAM)
People:(opens in a new window)Paul Brett, Barry Coonan (Met Éireann),(opens in a new window)Klara Finkele (Met Éireann),(opens in a new window)Padraig Flattery (Met Éireann),(opens in a new window)Deborah Hemming (UK Met Office),(opens in a new window)Neil Kaye (UK Met Office),(opens in a new window)Tamara Hochstrasser (UCD)(opens in a new window)Conor McGee (DAFM),(opens in a new window)Jon Yearsley (UCD)
Project description
The primary goal of this project is to provide a practical visual tool that communicates scientific evidence to stakeholders involved in Ireland's plant biosecurity policy and pest/pathogen-risk management. This supports the objectives of Ireland's Plant Health and Biosecurity Strategy 2020-2025 (DAFM 2019): "To minimise the threat posed to plants by the potential introduction and establishment of plant pests and diseases".
This project addresses this goal with the following three objectives:
- To review the existing mathematical modelling approaches linking insect plant pest and pathogen outbreaks to the climate
- Develop visual tools that help support risk assessment of plant pests and pathogens, and inform their surveillance under a changing climate
- Develop a network of stakeholders that guides the development of the visualisation tools
The project is divided into the following work-packages:
- Stakeholder Consultation
- Review of available pest-risk modelling approaches
- Development and validation of a pest-risk tool for Ireland
- Development of an online pest-risk tool