R and RStudio video tutorials
There are many online tutorials for data analysis in R and RStudio. These videos are intended to be a quick and simple introduction to some basic skills. The videos are hosted on YouTube.
Organising data
- (opens in a new window)Exporting data from Excel in CSV format [3 mins]
- (opens in a new window)Exporting data from Googlesheets in CSV format [1 min]
Introduction to R and RStudio
- (opens in a new window)A brief introduction to RStudio [2 mins]
- (opens in a new window)Starting to write an R script [1 min]
- (opens in a new window)Using RStudio to install an R package [1 min]
- (opens in a new window)Using RStudio to set the working directory [2 mins]
- (opens in a new window)Using RStudio to send commands into the R console [2 mins]
- (opens in a new window)Using RStudio to insert sections into an R script [3 mins]
Importing data into R
- (opens in a new window)Viewing text files before data import into R [4 mins]
- (opens in a new window)Overview of common data text file formats [3 mins]
- (opens in a new window)Importing a CSV file into R [5 mins]
- (opens in a new window)Importing CSV file using RStudio's GUI [3 mins 13 secs]
Visualising Data in R
- (opens in a new window)The basic anatomy of a ggplot2 command [3 mins]
- (opens in a new window)Developing a ggplot2 visualisation [7 mins]
- (opens in a new window)Saving R graphics to a file using RStudio [3 mins]