- New Publication by Manuel E. Lago, Margaret Samahita, Orla Doyle
- EMS Distingushed Lecture
- Ad Astra Fellows
- ESM Youth Talk
- Profit-shifting in Ireland and Europe: Where do we stand?
- Diogo Geraldes has been awarded the University of Chicago JILAEE Fellowship
- EMS Distinguished Lecture
- Networking Events for MSc Students
- Giacomo Lo Conte wins Cormac Ó Gráda Prize
- Dr. Nora Strecker participated in the National Economic Dialogue
- BSc Economics student featured in ISWE outreach campaign
- Call for papers: CBI-UCD Workshop on macro-finance and financial stability policies.
- UCD School of Economics Awarded Prestigious EU Marie Sklodowska-Curie Action Pr
- A new book by Emeritus professor Cormac O'Gráda
- Research Away Day
- Irish Public Economics Workshop
- Francesca Eustacchi CAF Award
- Finola Kennedy Prize 2024
- ISWE Budget 2024
- Tax and Inequality Workshop
- Walsh-Neary Lecture
- The UCD School of Economics awarded the Athena Swan Bronze Award
- Health Workshop in Malawi
- Dr Fabrice Kampfen selected for Young Academy of Ireland (YAI)
- Cormac Ó Gráda Award Winner Manuel Estevo Lago Rodríguez
- David Madden and Jane Dooley paper wins Brendan Walsh Prize
- Conference: Financial stability policies in a changing lending landscape - Call for papers
- Prof Rodney Thom former colleague and HOS passed away on August 14th
- New MSc Economics and Data Analytics Launch
- PhD News September 2023
- Dr Margaret Samahita at Kilkenomics
- Awards 2023
- Michael Wright attends Model WTO 2022 conference in Geneva
- Professor Ariel Rubinstein Lecture
- School of Economics Awards
- Orla Doyle Elected to IEA Presidency
- Energy Economics PhD Fellowship Opportunity
- ECA Talk on Forced Displacement
- IZA World of Labor
- The Young Irish Economists Seminar Series
- Medals and Awards 2022
- Ben Elsner presents joint work with Emanuele Albarosa (IOM) at the UNHCR policy event
- Spring Trimester Plan 2021
- (opens in a new window)School of Economics Newsletter Spring 2021
- Celebration of Peter Neary April 2021
- Diego Zambiasi wins IEA Conniffe Prize May 2021
- Diane Pelly wins Main Conference Award at the Newcastle Economics Research and Development Conference June 2021
- Visit by EIB President Dr Werner Hoyer
- (opens in a new window)School of Economics Newsletter Spring 2020
- School of Economics has been awarded Athena SWAN for the work towards gender equality in higher education.
- Eoin Flaherty Wins Cormac O'Grada Award.
- Eva Shiel has been awarded the ECB Women in Economics Scholarship.
- Prof Ron Davies talk on Autumn Trimester 2020
- Careers Webinar 2020
- Prof Reynolds-Feighan New College Vice-Principal for Research
- Debating Ageing
- Open Evening 2019
- Philip Lane Talk in UCD
- Economics Student Ruby Rasmussen 2019 Department of Finance Economic Policy Competition Winner
- TCD Honorary Doctorate awarded to Professor Emeritus Cormac Ó Gráda
- Jeff Concannon Lynch-Meenan Medal Winner 2019
- Where Are All The Female Economists?
- Paul Devereux Ranked #1 Economics Researcher in Ireland
- Congratulations to Econ Student Elena Tice on Qualifying for the Tokyo Olympics
- Lisa Ryan presents insights from her research at a meeting on climate action with the Taoiseach
- Open Evening 2020
- The 2019 winner of Conniffe Medal - Anusha De
- Preparing for Life study January 2020
- The School of Economics Distinguished Lecture Series Prof. Alan Deardorff
- Economics student Marcus Rafferty 2018 Deaprtment of Finnance competion winner.
- CORDIS published report on Christopher Jepsen project PSE RETURNS
- Medal Winners 2018
- Professor Ron Davies at TEDxUCD 2016
- Professor Liam Delaney to take up AIB Chair of Behavioural Economics
- Professor Paul Devereux elected to Royal Irish Academy
- Dr Orla Doyle explains the results from the 'Preparing for Life' study to RTE
- UCD School of Economics Open Evening 2016
- UCD Economics congratulates Prize Winners
- UCD Economics student wins Department of Finance Economic Policy Competition 2016