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TEL All Webinar Series

TEL All Webinar Series 2024

This year's TEL All webinar series will take place online with various webinars from May 2024 to October 2024. Book your spot here:(opens in a new window)http://bit.ly/bookTELAll(opens in a new window). 

The lunch-time webinars will be delivered by School based Educational Technologists who will share their pedagogical and technical expertise and offer some practical and hand-on advice. More details below.


Date & Time 


Wednesday 22nd May 1pm-2pm The EdTech toolkit - How to select the right tool for the learning needs
Wednesday 28th August 1pm-2pm Engaging students with the Zoom Whiteboard

Thursday 5th September 1pm-2pm 

Useful Brightspace features for large classes

Tuesday  22nd Oct 1pm - 2pm

peerScholar in Brightspace - an overview

Outline of the TEL All Webinars

See below for a more detailed description on each of the webinars.

Webinar 1: The EdTech toolkit - How to select the right tool for the learning needs Wednesday 22nd May 1-2pm 

This webinar will talk through a variety of tools that can be used in conjunction with Brightspace. As an Edtech we walk the academic through a variety of questions to discern what the needs of the learner are and the best way to deliver the content. Whether it's Storyline 360, creating an HTML page in Brightspace or your own PowerPoint made better with some UDL principles, this talk will map out how to choose the best tool.

(opens in a new window)Visit this link to view the recording (UCD only)

This webinar was presented by Allison Kacperski, Senior Educational Technologist, College of Medicine

Webinar 2: Engaging students with the Zoom Whiteboard
Wednesday 28th August 1pm-2pm

The new Zoom whiteboard, released in 2022, has features like multiple pages, pre-defined and user-defined templates, sticky notes, etc., that make it more useful for use in the online classroom. This talk will demonstrate some features of and ideas for using the new whiteboard, with a focus on activities that enhance student engagement.

This webinar will be presented by Eoin Campbell, Educational Technologist, School of Agriculture and Food Science

Webinar 3: Useful Brightspace features for large classes
Thursday 5th September 1pm-2pm 

This webinar will look at Brightspace features that can be used to facilitate larger class sizes. Some of those covered will include the use of asynchronous work, discussions, groups, checklists, intelligent agents, replace strings etc

This webinar will be presented by Aoife Reilly, Educational Technologist, College of Science

Webinar 4: peerScholar in Brightspace - an overview

peerScholar is the peer assessment tool that is integrated into Brightspace at UCD. peerScholar allows instructors to create a variety of peer and self-assessment activities for students. It has a strong research basis being developed by faculty from the University of Toronto. In this webinar, we will give an overview of how to access and set up peerscholar in Brightspace, and describe how the Create, Assess and Reflect phases work. We will discuss some recent use cases of the tool in UCD, including both formative and summative assessments, as well as for small and large groups.

This webinar will be presented by Dr Aoife Claire MacCormac, Educational Technologist, School of Nursing, Midwifery and Health Systems

Contact UCD TEL All

University College Dublin Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.
T: +353 1 716 7777