Leading & Mentoring in Education (EDUC44210)
The purpose of this module is to provide school leaders and aspiring school leaders, administrators and coordinators with a framework for understanding the role and place of mentoring in the school or other education context.
Participants will reflect on the various theoretical and conceptual frameworks that pertain to learning and learning in schools and where mentoring plays a key function. This refers to mentoring as an essential part of teacher and staff professional development as well as the broader role that this has to play in the creation of sustainable learning communities and in school leadership more generally.
Along with a strong theoretical focus, the module has a substantive practical element where participants are required to establish the need for mentoring in their own site of practice and put in place a plan for meeting this need. In specific terms, they will learn how to plan, implement, evaluate and review a mentoring programme, otherwise the “mentoring cycle”. This is turn forms the basis for assessment for the module as well as for peer learning, feedback and review.
Full details on the programme can be found on the Graduate Admissions page.
How to apply: Please download the application form here.
Fees: Course per Credit 2025-2026: https://www.ucd.ie/students/fees/eucoursefees/euoccasionalstudyabroadfees202526/
Occasional Social Sciences & Law (CD03): €127.30