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Think Languages Event

Think Languages Event

Posted 18 November, 2024

Think Languages Event, students, classroom

Think Languages Event, students, classroom

Think Languages Event, students, classroom

Think Languages Event, students, classroom

Think Languages Event, students, classroom

Think Languages Event, students, classroom

Think Languages Event, students, classroom

During the week of the 18th of November, some of the BEd students took part in ThinkLanguages. Working hand in hand with Dr Bowman, they designed engaging language workshops for TY students, in French, German, Spanish and Italian. A drama workshop was also on offer for TY students. The aims of #ThinkLanguages Week are to:

  • Celebrate languages together in schools, universities and organisations on a national level
  • Support teachers to create space in the school calendar to showcase languages and what they offer beyond the classroom
  • Excite and engage TY students about the languages and cultures around them within the school, wider community and around the world
  • Promote inclusion and the many personal, social, professional, and cultural benefits of language learning
  • Encourage TY students to choose languages at senior cycle and into third level education
  • Engage with the local community to raise awareness of the benefits of language skills

School of Education

University College Dublin Belfield Dublin 4 Ireland
T: +353 1 716 7777