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EGA Spring Panel Discussion 2022

EGA Spring Panel Discussion 2022

The UCD Engineering Graduates Association were delighted this year to welcome a panel of experts to deliver the EGA's Spring Panel Discussion on 'The role of Energy Security as we transition to a carbon neutral society', on Thursday 28th April at 6pm.

A look back at history shows energy access underpins many past wars. The recent Russian invasion of Ukraine is the most recent and disturbing example of this and again highlights that secure energy access is intertwined with stability and prosperity. The transition to a zero carbon future is already underway in developed economies around the world. For Ireland on the North Western edge of Europe, the invasion of Ukraine has sharpened focus on our Energy security and provides further impetus for Ireland to develop its energy independence in terms of resources alongside further interconnection to Europe. This event will explore the themes considering the timelines for development of national energy resources and Ireland’s place within the wider European energy system.

The event will take place virtually as an online webinar and registration is required in advance.

Speaker Profiles:

The EGA also gratefully acknowledges the support of all our Corporate Members.