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Laura Tobin featured by Science Foundation Ireland

Tuesday, 26 July, 2016

‌Laura Tobin a PhD student at the School of Engineering in University College Dublin is featured by Science Foundation Ireland in their July showcase for Science Rising "Lifestyle Research in Ireland".

Laura Tobin
Laura Tobin a PhD student at the School of Engineering in University College Dublin is researching alternative uses for LED technology. Laura is actively involved in the area of science communication, public engagement and education both on a national and international level. She is an Executive Committee member of WITS Ireland which supports women in STEM to reach their full potential. Laura is also a co-organiser of Dublin Maker, an annual free community event that allows inventors and makers of all ages and backgrounds to showcase their creations in a carnival atmosphere.

Contact UCD School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering

UCD Engineering and Materials Science Centre, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.
E: eleceng@ucd.ie | Location Map(opens in a new window)