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UCD Sustainable Energy Community

SEAI Sustainable Energy Community (SEC)

The Energy Institute is in the early stages of forming a sustainable energy community (SEC) across the UCD campus.  UCD is the largest third level campus community in Ireland with approximately 3,000 staff and 33,724 students. With support from the Energy Unit in UCD Estates, we are in the process of forming a steering committee made up of representatives from 8 schools and institutes.

The main aims of the SEC are;

  • Developing skills and capacity, at a community level, in electing how to use less energy,
  • Adopting lower carbon options for transport and heating,
  • Shifting energy use to off-peak times
  • Investing in smart technologies and renewable energies
  • Reducing the carbon footprint of the community
  • Increase energy awareness via community engagement programs
  • Maximising the opportunities for successful collaborations in energy community initiatives

For more information please contact us at (opens in a new window)energy@ucd.ie