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UCD Bike Library Pilot Programme

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UCD Bike Library Pilot Programme

Demonstrating the future of low carbon urban commuting

UCD Energy Institute in partnership with UCD Library has launched a pilot bike lending programme for members of the UCD community to demonstrate the potential for e-mobility to transform commuting patterns and reduce transport emissions for universities and organisations of similar size. The UCD Bike Library pilot is the first of its kind in Ireland to offer bike lending through a traditional library service. The (opens in a new window)Higher Education Authority has provided performance funding for the Bike Library as one of three Sustainability Research Demonstrator projects based in the Energy Institute.

The pilot programme is an expansion of previous successful bike library projects conducted by  (opens in a new window)Professor Francesco Pilla. Data and feedback from the pilot will be utilised by academics researching smart and sustainable cities in collaboration with the Energy Institute and  NexSys.

The Bike Library is about democratising cycling, and finding new ways to give people access to sustainable mobility options and contribute to a greener future.” – Professor Francesco Pilla

This pilot programme offers loans of an e-bike or folding bike free of charge to UCD staff members for a six week period.

people with bikes

Applications for the UCD Bike Library Pilot are currently open for staff and students. If you are interested in a bike loan, please fill out the (opens in a new window)application form at this link.

For interested participants, a free e-learning course on safer cycling is available from UCD Estate Services (opens in a new window)at this link.


Elaine Cregg, Director of the UCD Sutherland School of Law.

Philip Russell, Information Services Manager, Information & Learning Services, UCD Library