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UCD Challenge 2021

Challenge finish image

UCD Challenge

Walk, jog or run to support your wellbeing and Special Olympics Ireland

And we're done!

Well done to the 500+ employees who took part in the Challenge. You're helped raise much needed funds for Special Olympics Ireland and we hope the regular exercise has improved your physical and mental wellbeing.

Now that you're up and running (or walking), try to keep up the daily routine!

You can raise additional funds via sponsorship or make direct donations via the (opens in a new window)Special Olympics Ireland fundraising page (opens new window).

Donation summary

  • Total raised - €7,779.00
  • Direct donations - €2,869.00
  • Donations via Fundraisers - €680.00
  • Offline donations - €4,230.00

So, how did we do?

Target Distance Participants Total KM's Average Daily KM's Success Rate
90 KM 182 16,845 4.06 82%
110 Km 126 15,203 5.07 85%
140 KM 259 48,695 7.6 92%

Track your Progress

Note: To see the Results Tables you will need to be logged into your employee (@ucd.ie) account. The form will not open for individuals outside the organisation or if you have a personal gmail or @ucdconnect account open somewhere on your computer.

140 KM Progress Tracker

110 KM Progress Tracker

90 Km Progress Tracker

pixelart animated gif

We would recommend that you just enter your total distance traveled once a day.

Go in each morning and enter the total distance from the day before. This will be added to your overall total.

Unfortunately you can't switch distances at this time. We'd encourage everyone to try to reach their target.

If you surpass it then that's even better!

If you mis-enter your distance, or someone else enters under your name then let (opens in a new window)engage@ucd.ie know and we will try to amend the record.

Contact Culture & Engagement

Culture & Engagement, UCD HR 3rd Floor, Roebuck Offices University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.
E: engage@ucd.ie | Location Map(opens in a new window)