News & Events
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Spring Trimester 2021-2022 Teaching Statement
UCD is committed to ensuring that each student can engage with their academic programme effectively and has access to the highest quality learning and student experience possible. Schools in the College of Arts and Humanities are prioritising wellbeing, quality, and flexibility, across all our modules. Our stimulating teaching and learning environments are designed to ensure your safety, to meet disciplinary demands, and to provide access for all.

Belfield Literary Review Launch
The second issue of The Belfield Literary Review, edited by Paul Perry and Niamh Campbell, will launch on Monday, the 2nd of May at the Museum of Literature Ireland at 6pm.

We Were Young Book Launch
There will be a book launch for Writer in Residence, Niamh Campbell's new novel 'We Were Young' in Hodges Figgis on the 22nd of February.

Writer in Residence 2022
Sue Rainsford has been appointed the School of English Drama Film's Writer in Residence 2022.

Mary Lavin Papers Article
Margaret Kelleher has published an article in the Irish Times about the acquisition of personal material from the writer Mary Lavin.

The Flourishing
Associate Professor P.J. Matthews has contributed to a recent documentary on RTÉ entitled The Flourishing.