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Announcement of Postgraduate Bursaries for 2015-2016

Monday, 4 July, 2016

MA Scholarships, 2015-2016

We are pleased to announce that a series of scholarships have been introduced for the School’s MA programmes: these consist of tuition bursaries of €1,000 euro and one bursary of €5,000 euro which will be awarded to the highest-ranked applicant to the School’s MA programmes. These competitive awards will be available from the academic year beginning September 2015. 

Applicants who wish to apply for the scholarships should submit a personal statement (1-2 pages) and a sample of written work (no more than 5,000 words) no later than 5 June 2015 to the MA director of the course in question. Applicants must have previously applied for the MA programme and received an offer or provisional offer.  Only one bursary application per applicant is permitted.

The above scholarships apply to the following MA programmes (names of course directors below):

MA in American Literature: Dr. Nerys Williams, (opens in a new window)nerys.williams@ucd.ie

M.A. in Drama and Performance Studies: Dr. Finola  Cronin, (opens in a new window)finola.cronin@ucd.ie

MA Playwriting: Dr. Eamonn Jordan, (opens in a new window)eamonn.jordan@ucd.

MA Directing for Theatre: Dr. Cathy Leeney, (opens in a new window)Catherine.leeney@ucd.ie

MA. in Film Studies: Mr. Tony Fitzmaurice, (opens in a new window)tony.fitzmaurice@ucd.ie

MA in Gender, Sexuality & Culture: Dr. Anne Mulhall, (opens in a new window)anne.mulhall@ucd.ie

MA in Medieval Literature & Culture: Dr. Niamh Pattwell, (opens in a new window)niamh.pattwell@ucd.ie

MA in Modernity, Literature & Culture: Professor Nicholas Daly, (opens in a new window)nicholas.daly@ucd.ie

MA in Renaissance Literature and Culture: Dr Jane Grogan, (opens in a new window)jane.grogan@ucd.ie

For details of scholarships relating to the MA in Anglo-Irish Literature and Drama, see below.

For details of scholarships relating to the MA in Creative Writing, see below.

Bursaries are intended for the session immediately following the award and are tenable for one year.

MA in Anglo-Irish Literature and Drama Scholarships, 2015-2016

School of English, Drama and Film


We are pleased to announce that three scholarships have been introduced for students of the MA in Anglo-Irish Literature and Drama, constituting tuition bursaries of €5,000, €3,000 and €1,000 euro. These competitive awards will be available from the academic year beginning September 2015.  Applicants who wish to apply for the scholarships should submit a personal statement (1-2 pages) and a sample of written work (no more than 5,000 words) no later than 5 June 2015 to Professor Margaret Kelleher at (opens in a new window)margaret.o.kelleher@ucd.ie. Applicants must have previously applied for the MA programme and received an offer or provisional offer.  For information on the international scholarships Maria Helena Kopschitz Scholarship (Brazil) and Gus Martin Memorial Scholarship (North America), see School website.

Bursaries are intended for the session immediately following the award and are tenable for one year.

MA/MFA in Creative Writing Scholarships, 2015-2016

School of English, Film and Drama

We are pleased to announce that two scholarships exist for these programmes: (1) MA in Creative Writing, 2015-2016 tuition bursary of €5,000 euro which will be awarded to the highest-ranked applicant to the MA programme; (2) Irish Times sponsored Caroline Walsh Bursary awarded to the best Irish/EU graduate of the UCD MA in Creative Writing to enable her/him to take the UCD MFA in Creative Writing programme as a full-time student.

Applicants who wish to apply for the MA in Creative Writing scholarship should submit a personal statement (1-2 pages) and a sample of written work (no more than 5,000 words) no later than 5 June 2015 to the MA director, Mr James Ryan, (opens in a new window)james.ryan@ucd.ie. Applicants must have previously applied for the MA programme and received an offer or provisional offer.

Bursaries are intended for the session immediately following the award and are tenable for one year.


Monday, 4 July, 2016