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Craig Dobbin Legacy Programme

Craig Dobbin Legacy Programme

The Craig Dobbin Legacy Progamme (CLDP) is an initiative of the Ireland Canada University Foundation (ICUF), THE ucd Centre for Canadian Studies, and UCD's College of Arts & Humanities. 

The Programe honours the vision and generosity of Craig Dobbin, whose philanthropic giving brought in being both the UCD Chair of Canadian Studies and ICUF, entities which have been pivotal in shaping academic relations between Ireland and Canada over the past 30 years. 

Through this programme of activity, UCD College of Arts & Humanities and ICUF aim to celebrate and continue the legacy of Craig Dobbin's giving, laying the groundwork for future generattions of scholars to explore and deepend the ties between both nations.

There are two distinct strands of operation to the CDLP:

ICUF would like to acknowledge the continud support of the Dobbin family, whose generosity has made the operation of this programme possible.