Irish University Review
(opens in a new window)Journal Website
The Irish University Review was founded as a journal of Irish Studies in 1970 by members of the School's staff in UCD. It is one of the most important journals in Irish Studies, and is widely read and valued. It is peer-reviewed, and publishes two issues per year. (opens in a new window)Dr Emilie Pine is the current editor, a post she took up in 2017.
The Irish University Review was founded in 1970 at University College Dublin as a journal of Irish literary criticism. Since then, it has become the leading global journal of Irish literary studies. It is affiliated to the International Association for the Study of Irish Literatures (IASIL), whose members receive the journal as a benefit of association membership.
In its early years, the journal published short literary works (poetry, short stories, one-act plays) as well as literary critical essays. Increasingly, however, the journal specialised in defining and expanding the scope of Irish literary studies. The journal has no prescriptive agenda about the subject or methodology of the literary criticism it publishes, other than insisting upon the highest standards of academic scholarship through a rigorous screening and peer review process. It welcomes submissions on all aspects of Irish literature in the English language, particularly submissions which expand the range of authors and texts to receive critical treatment, and which challenge the prevailing trends and assumptions of the field.

Former editors:
- Professor Maurice Harmon (1970-1987)
- Professor Christopher Murray (1987-1997)
- Professor Anthony Roche (1997-2002)
- Professor Anne Fogerty (2002-2009)
- Professor John Brannigan (2009-2017)