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The School of English, Drama and Film at UCD is a large, diverse, research-active School with an international reputation, a key role in shaping national cultural debates, and a commitment to the delivery of high-quality research-led teaching. Researchers in the school are leading players in international professional organisations, hold editorships of international journals, produce leading-edge publications, and organise and host a varied range of research events.

Many of the School’s research projects have led to the creation of digital materials, from blogs to websites to podcasts. Our new online research hub (opens in a new window)Texere gives you the change to navigate this wealth of material. The projects you will encounter range from literary criticism and cultural analysis to emergent humanities fields. The projects showcased on the site include a focus on long-standing fields of literary enquiry, such as gender and colonialism, to newer fields such as the environmental, medical and digital humanities. These projects highlight the continuing importance and impact of humanities research, and the increasing role of digital forms in the dissemination of our work. We invite you to use this resource to explore the rich tapestry of research activities that take place in the School.

(opens in a new window)Visit Texere (opens in a new window)Research Projects on Texere