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English at UCD

Monday, 4 July, 2016

badgeStudy English at UCD if you are an enthusiastic reader, talker and writer, and love literature.  Strengthen your understanding of narrative, poetic and dramatic forms.  Enlarge your critical vocabulary and historical awareness.  Explore how the study of literature intersects with questions of gender, politics and cultural theory.  Learn how to research a topic, evaluate evidence and present your ideas in a cogent, elegant fashion.  Become a creative and dynamic critic yourself!‌

Undergraduate English Programme information 2022-23

 BA Joint Honours Programme information for 2022-23

Stage 1

(opens in a new window)Stage 2

(opens in a new window)Stage 3

BA Humanities Programme Pathway ENGLISH WITH CREATIVE WRITING 2023-24

(opens in a new window)Stage 1

(opens in a new window)Stage 2

(opens in a new window)Stage 3

(opens in a new window)Stage 4

BA Humanities Programme Pathway ENGLISH LITERATURE 2023-24

(opens in a new window)Stage 1

(opens in a new window)Stage 2

(opens in a new window)Stage 3

(opens in a new window)Stage 4

The below content is indicative.

Two Subject Degree (ENJ1): Stage 1 

In order to take English as part of your degree, by the end of Stage One You must have passed the following level one, 5-credit English modules. These are your core English modules (10 credits in total). You must select both modules if you want to continue with English after your first year.

Level One Cores: Choose TWO


ENG10230 Reading World Literature

Associate Professor Sharae Deckard


ENG10220 Literature and Crisis

Professor John Brannigan 

  •  You are strongly encouraged to take the following level one 5-credit English modules (Option modules).

Level One Options: Choose ZERO, ONE or TWO


ENG10130 Contemporary Irish Writing

Professor Anne Fogarty


ENG10030 Literary Genre

Professor Jane Grogan

Stage one is completed when you pass 60 credits. Make sure you check your core credit requirements for each of the two subjects that you intend to take to degree level. In most cases, you will need a minimum of 10 credits per subject.

You also need to take one 5-credit elective (from modules in or outside your chosen subject areas): see here for further details or contact the Arts and Humanities Programme Office for advice.

Further information on choosing English modules

• (opens in a new window)Module descriptors

General Elective Modules in English
  • If you wish to spend your General Elective credits in English, you may opt to choose one or more of the following Elective-only modules. These will be open to students across the university.

Module Code and Title



ENG10020 Children’s Literature

Dr Siobhán Kane


ENG10250 Horror Literature

Dr Leanne Waters


ENG10180 Comics and Fantasy

Dr Darragh Greene

Stage 2

By the end of Stage Two, you must have obtained 25 credits of Level Two English (i.e. FIVE modules).

• You must take TWO core 5-credit modules: 

Term  Level Two Cores: Choose TWO Coordinator  
Autumn ENG20400 Critical Theory Assoc. Professor Adam Kelly
Spring  ENG20410 Reading Medieval Literature   Assoc. Professor Niamh Pattwell 
  • You must also take THREE 5-credit options from a choice of six modules:
Term Module Code and Title Coordinator
Autumn ENG10170 Contemporary Dystopian Fiction Dr Tim Groenland
Autumn and Spring ENG10020 Children's Literature  Dr Siobhán Kane
Spring ENG10250 Horror Literature  Dr Leanne Waters
Autumn and Spring ENG10180 Comics and Fantasy  Dr Darragh Greene
 Stage 3

By the end of Stage Three, you must have obtained 25 credits of Level Three English.

  • You must take ONE 5-credit lecture module from a choice of 5 modules
    • These modules will have an end-of-term exam along with continuous assessment assignments
  • You must take TWO 10-credit seminar modules from a choice of more than thirty option modules
    • These modules will have a lengthy final essay along with continuous assessment assignments
  • Before you complete Stage Three you must also obtain 25 credits in your second subject, plus 10 credits of General Electives.

 5-credit lecture modules (choose ONE)

Module Code  Title Coordinator  Term
ENG31110 Other Worlds   D. Greene  Autumn 
ENG31780 Contemporary European Crime Fiction   M. Stuart  Spring 
ENG32300 Making Shakespeare   J. Grogan  Autumn 
ENG32310 Global Eco-Literature   T. DeLoughry  Spring 
ENG32510 Writing Dublin  L. Crispi  Spring 
ENG32520 Ugly Feelings   K. Fama  Autumn 

10-credit seminar modules (Choose TWO)

Module Code Title Coordinator  Term 
CRWT30230 Experimental Poetry I. Davidson Autumn
DRAM30200 Queer Theatre and Performance  P. Halferty Autumn
DRAM30250 Theatre of Martin McDonagh  E. Jordan Autumn
ENG31900 Yeats and the Arts L. Collins Spring
ENG31930 Irish Fiction After 2010 M. Kelleher Autumn/Spring
ENG31940 Global Science Fiction  S. Deckard Spring
ENG31950 Architecture and Narrative  K. Fama Autumn
ENG31960 Apocalypse Then: Old English  R. Stephenson Autumn
ENG31980 Jane Austin and her Peers M. O'Connell Autumn/Spring
ENG31990 Reading Gender and Sexuality  A. Mulhall   Autumn  
ENG32000 Contemp. Irish Women's Poetry   C. Clutterbuck  Spring  
ENG32020  Detecting Fictions   M. Stuart  Autumn/Spring
ENG32070 Medieval Celluloid   D. Greene  Autumn  
ENG32080 Social Networks in Fiction   K. Wade  Spring 
ENG32090  Masculinities and Manhood  C. O'Brien  Autumn  
ENG32100 Fin-de-Siecle   N. Daly  Autumn  
ENG32110  Literature and Science   F. Dillane  Spring 
ENG32130 Irish Gothic   E. Radley   Spring  
ENG32180  Poetry in Performance   N. Williams   Autumn/Spring 
ENG32220  Popular Fiction in Britain   N. Daly   Spring 
ENG32230  Reading Beckett  A. Fogarty   Autumn 
ENG32240  Chaucer in Context  D. Greene   Spring 
ENG32250  Irish Women's Writing   A. Fogarty   Spring 
ENG32270  Post-War US Fiction   C. Hayes-Brady  Spring  
ENG32290 Reading Ulysses L. Crispi  Spring
ENG32340 The Modern Short Story  P. McGrath  Autumn 
ENG32380 Sexuality and the State  C. O'Brien  Spring 
ENG32390 A Book of Kings N. Patwell Spring 
ENG32490 Seventeenth-Century Women  D. Clarke  Autumn 
ENG32500 Fiction and Financial Crises  S. Comyn Spring
ENG32560 Writing Black A. Kelly Autumn/Spring
ENG32580 Theatres of War  E. Pine Autumn 
ENG32590 Memory and Testimony  E. Pine Spring
ENG32600 Creative Non-Fiction  S. Kane Autumn 
ENG32640 Girlhood in 21st C American YA J. Gouck  Autumn 
ENG32650 Global Short Stories  T. DeLoughry  Autumn 
ENG32670 Dark Romanticism  P. Fermanis  Autumn/Spring
ENG32680 Global Renaissance  J. Grogan Spring
ENG32690 Writing Habits  M. Ronan  Autumn 
ENG32700 Dublin Gothic  K. Mishler  Spring
ENG32720 Feminist Theory  H. Boast Spring
ENG32730 Literature of Migration  A. Mulhall Spring

General Elective Modules in English 

Term Module Code and Title  Coordinator
Autumn  ENG10170 Contemporary Dystopian Fiction  Dr Tim Groenland
Autumn and Spring ENG10020 Children's Literature  Dr Siobhán Kane 
Spring ENG10250 Horror Literature  Dr Leanne Waters 
Autumn and Spring  ENG10180 Comics and Fantasy  Dr Darragh Greene 

The structure of the undergraduate English programme made it easy for me to explore my interests, and create a path that worked for me. First year provided me with a broad spectrum of English Literature, setting me up with critical thinking skills that would be crucial not only in English, but also useful in my other subject. As I progressed through second and third year, I could hone in on the topics I was most interested in, tailoring the course to be focused around these areas. With such an individualised course, I was never stuck studying a topic that bored me.

---Anna Graham, Joint Honours English Student, Class of 2016


I originally chose to study English because I liked to read. Studying English at UCD, however, has introduced me to a fascinating world of critical and cultural theory I now look forward to continuing my learning in. Getting to study English as a single subject major, in particular, allowed me the opportunity to gain a far stronger footing and deeper understanding of my chosen research area, and forge influential, formative relationships with many members of the school’s staff. Through the school, I also got the chance to study abroad for a year in Barcelona. This time — exploring a new culture and meeting new people from around the world — has been, without a doubt, the greatest experience of my life. My time at UCD — the diverse learning material, passionate and supportive staff, and close bond with my classmates — is something that I will carry with me for years to come.

---Seán Hayes, Single Honours English Student, Class of 2017

Going back to education after nearly three decades seemed daunting. It turned out to be one of the most challenging and rewarding experiences of my life. The reason I came to UCD was to deepen my knowledge of English literature. I was not expecting to discover a passion for the plays of Shakespeare and Beckett; the novels of Dickens and Woolf; or the poetry of Marvell and Heaney. In my third year, I found myself immersed in Elizabethan Ireland as I completed a dissertation on Edmund Spenser. It hasn’t all been easy but every step of the way I have received guidance and encouragement from the teaching staff and fellow students. For me, UCD is where new discoveries have become lifelong passions.

---Pearse McCaughey, Single Honours English Student, Class of 2017


I started my undergrad in English literature without really knowing what to expect. Having a great love for reading, writing and storytelling, I initially saw my BA as means of encountering a diverse range of literature, not necessarily looking ahead to what I’d do once my degree was complete. Fortunately, not only did I acquire a valuable set of skills over the course of my studies, emerging as an effective communicator and critical thinker, but also discovered a passion for Medieval and Early Medieval literature. Now, coming towards the end of an MA in medieval literature and culture, I am considering pursuing a PhD in the near future, with an eye towards a career in academia. A useful skill set, an array of new interests and a close circle of friends have made my BA in English literature a truly memorable and worthwhile experience, one that I would unreservedly recommend.

---Karl Milne, Single Honours English Student, Class of 2016

We are now offering attractive new General Elective-only modules designed specifically for students from other programmes who are interested in taking English modules as part of their General Elective credit.  

Autumn & Spring Trimesters

(opens in a new window)ENG10020 Children's Literature

Ms. Siobhán Kane

Autumn & Spring Trimesters

(opens in a new window)ENG10180 Comics and Fantasy

Dr Darragh Greene

 Spring Trimester

ENG10190 Introduction to Canadian Studies

Professor Renee Hulan, Craig Dobbin Chair of Canadian Studies

Autumn and Spring Trimesters 

HUM10040 Academic Writing in Practice 

Dr Audrey McNamara and Dr Scott Hamilton

Autumn Trimester

(opens in a new window)ENG10250 Horror Literature

Dr Leanne Waters

Spring Trimester (opens in a new window)ENG10240 Speculative Fiction Dr Ailise Bulfin

There are also General Elective places in most of our Level One and Level Two English modules.

What do graduates of the School go on to do?

Our graduates go on to an enormous range of careers, from creative writing to filmmaking, by way of journalism, publishing, teaching and consulting. Our graduates are distinguished by their ability to adapt to a flexible and global labour market. The BA programme supports them in developing valuable employment skills including research, teamwork, problem-solving and communication skills, among others. Graduates of Arts programmes are in increasing demand in technology companies for their writing skills, lateral thinking and flexibility. Some of the many areas in which our graduates have flourished include education, media, performing arts, government, business, heritage and arts management, law and technology. UCD is particularly well known for its wealth of creative graduates, our writers, poets and dramatists, who cut their teeth during their undergraduate years. Many of our graduates also go on to postgraduate research, growing into the scholars and thinkers who shape the culture of the next generations.

Career Development @ UCD

While our students go on to pursue a wide range of avenues, they are supported by the School’s new Career Mentoring Scheme, in which final year students are matched with a graduate of the School who is now professional in a particular area, including journalism, arts administration, teaching, writing, business. The mentor provides guidance and advice on developing your career - this may include looking at your CV, suggesting directions to follow, and giving general advice on your postgraduate path. See more at the UCD Career Development Centre