Enterprise Video Content Management Solution
This project page provides an overview for the Enterprise Video Content Management (EVCM) project and information on how you can get involved in the next phase of the project.
Welcome to the YuJa Enterprise Video Platform
UCD selected (opens in a new window)YuJa Inc as our Enterprise Video Content Management Solution for this pilot in December 2021. This video provides an overview of the YuJa platform and highlights some of the key functionality available.
This webpage will provide you with all the key information you require in relation to the Enterprise Video Content Management project. The project concluded in December 2022, with a recommendation that YuJa would be deployed as the EVCM solution for the University from Jan 2023.
For further information on the project, you can reach out to any member of the project team, please see the contact detail below. For information and support on the use of EVCM please see the IT Services Webpage for details.

Project Description
This project set out to explore the benefits of using an Enterprise Video Content Management (EVCM) platform to streamline the organising and delivery of video content to students for the purpose of teaching and learning. In December 2021 UCD selected (opens in a new window)YuJa Inc as our EVCM solution for this pilot. An initial pilot ran within the Colleges of Arts & Humanities and Social Sciences & Law in Spring 2022 which considered the suitability of the technology platform, whether the potential benefits can be actualised, and the applicability of the chosen solution in a wider UCD context.
The use of educational video as a tool for teaching and learning has become mainstream with the current generation of students and as a result the ability to be able to host, share and stream large video files at high quality is a high priority for the University. The opportunity being explored is the impact of using an EVCM platform to support faculty and students in the uploading, management, playing, and engaging with video content in the support of learning outcomes. In December 2021, UCD selected (opens in a new window)YuJa Inc as our EVCM solution.
An additional aspect of the project was a requirement to consider how the chosen solution’s lecture capture software capabilities could operate in conjunction with the audio visual hardware currently in situ in lecture theatres and classrooms, and if there are benefits to be accrued from investing in lecture capture specific technologies over the likes of the video conferencing solution (Zoom) currently in situ being used for this purpose.
The project aims to evaluate the chosen EVCM solution in order to ensure that it is the correct solution for the University and that investment in this space would be provided in order to support the teaching and learning activities.
Project Update
The University has approved a recommendation to move the project from pilot into campus wide roll out of YuJa as the Enterprise Video Management Solution from January 2023. Further information can now be found on the IT Sevices Website - Enterprise Video Management with YuJa
The extended pilot consisted of 27 individuals across 4 colleges and approximately 60 modules. Between August and November, there were approximately 18,000 views of individual videos across the pilot modules, in contrast to approximately 1,450 views of individual videos between January and May 2022. This increase in usage can be attributed to engagement across modules, and how video was being incorporated within module delivery.
Student feedback was overall positive towards the use of YuJa within the modules. When looking at the ease of use, nearly all respondents stated that it was very easy or easy to use in terms of account set-up and locating video content within their modules within Brightspace. Students also incidated that tehy felt video quality and the captioning functionality in particular were of benefit and deemed excellent by most of those who responded.
Staff feedback similarly was positive overall towards YuJa as the EVCM. Individuals felt that it was easy to use and navigate and that it was essential for delivery of teaching for some of the pilot participants.
When asked “What aspects of having a video solution in Brightspace were most useful or valuable?” responses included
- YuJa is an absolutely essential tool for my teaching. Students simply have no other way to access our class materials.
- Ease of connecting Zoom account was great - some users prefer to use Zoom to record video content
- inbuilt interface
- Analytics
- controlling and monitoring access to videos
- literally just having video in and of itself has been great! please keep it!
A initial pilot ran with the College of Arts & Humanities and the College of Social Science and Law comprising 19 faculty members from across the two colleges, and spanned 29 modules from level 1 to level 4. Feedback from students and faculty on the introduction of the YuJa was widely positive, which has allowed us to the opportunity to further expand the pilot for the Autumn 2022/23 trimester University wide, to look at holistic use cases of video management within the University and how Enterprise Video Management could support the learning outcomes for modules across the different schools and colleges within the University.
A recommendation to extend the pilot for Autumn 2022 was approved at the University Teaching and Learning Committee in June 2022. The graphic below provides an overview of the feedback received from the initial pilot phase and IT Services have worked to ensure that all feedback received has been addressed ahead of the next phase of the pilot in Autumn 2022.
How can I get involved
As the project is now complete, please refer to the IT Services webpage for further information and support on Enterprise Video.
The extended pilot will run for one trimester (Autumn 2022) with a recommendation based on the staff and student feedback to go to the University Management Team regarding the viability of YuJa as the EVCM for the University. We are currently looking for individuals to pilot the following aspects of the platform in Autumn 2022.
- Enterprise Video Management
- Lecture Capture Software
- A combination of both
- Non Teaching Application of Enterprise Video Management
For further information on the project, you can reach out to any member of the project team, please see the contact detail below.
What you can expect from signing up to the pilot group | What is expected of the pilot group |
Hands on support from the project team to ensure you are comfortable with the use of YuJa | Attend 3 - 4 meetings including a review workshop |
A systematic approach to managing, editing, creating/storing and sharing video content within your modules in Brightspace | You will be provided with a User Acceptance Testing (UAT) document, which will guide you through how to use the solution, you will be required to complete this during the pilot phase. |
Ability to encourage engagement and interact with students via video content in Brightspace | Actively participate by using YuJa within your modules for Autumn 2022 |
Detailed engagement analytics on the videos you have shared | Notify students within your participating modules where you are using YuJa Inc, as they will be asked for feedback on the student experience of the solution. |
A mechanism to store , edit and manage Zoom recordings | Post a number of announcements within your module (which will be provided by the project team) |
Feature requests - if you feel that there is some functionality missing/not working as should the project team will work with YuJa to see where this can be addressed* | Provide feedback on the solution to the project team via a Survey and Workshop |
A voice in the decision making process on the viability of YuJa for the University |

What is meant by
Enterprise Video Content Management: is a platform which supports the uploading of video content which can be subsequently edited, streamed, managed and stored. It can be used for recorded lectures or presentations, uploading an existing video, or embedding videos with content in other parts of Brightspace.
Lecture capture: is the process of recording classroom lectures as videos, and making them available for students to review after the class. The term “lecture capture” is quite broad and can be used to describe a variety of solutions, software, and hardware. You may need to record something as simple as audio and PowerPoint point slides. Or, you might want to record your desktop, camera, a separate microphone, and webcam all for one class.
Video conferencing* is the process of conducting a live video-based meeting or class between two or more people in different locations using video-enabled devices.
Virtual classrooms* utilise video conferencing, online whiteboards and screen sharing to allow educators to hold live lectures, virtual office hours, and discussions with students in an interactive setting. A virtual classroom refers to an online system that allows students and teachers to communicate and collaborate.
* Video conferencing and Virtual Classroom will not form part of this project but are included for information purposes. The diagram provides an overview of the solutions currently available in UCD and their intersections
Project Team

Project Sponsor
View Profile
Ryan Teevan
Project Manager
Senior Project Manager
Educational Technology Services - IT Services

Justin Rowe
Senior IT Specialist
Educational Technology Services - IT Services

John Matthews
Educational Technologist
School of English, Drama and Film

Liam Fogarty
Technology Enhanced Learning Manager
Central Office - College of Social Sciences and Law
The diagram below provides an overview of the project milestones and projected timelines
January 2022
Procurement of an Enterprise Video Management Solution. YuJa Inc was the successful vendor.
February 2022
Pilot commenced with representation from the College of Arts & Humanities and Social Sciences and Law
May 2022
Review of YuJa Inc as an EVCM solution undertaken with Faculty and Students.
Recommendation drawn up by project team for UTLC -
July 2022
Invite for extended pilot extended to University community
August 2022
Pilot Group meetings commence providing overview of the solution to allow faculty to plan module delivery ahead of the next academic session.
Ongoing support to be provided throughout the Trimester -
December 2022
Review of YuJa Inc with Faculty and Students. Outputs will drive a recommendation to go to the University Management Team in relation to the potential roll out of YuJa University wide.
January 2023
Move to standard service
Project Close Out
YuJa to be deployed in all modules in Brightspace
Training and Support to move to IT Services Helpdesk