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EDI Courses List

Below you will find information on the type of live training courses and workshops that are part of the EDI Training and Awareness-Raising Programme. Visit the EDI Training Calendar page to register for any of the sessions currently available. Visit the EDI eLearning page for online training courses. 

Being Aware of Our Biases - Unconscious Bias Awareness Training

This is an interactive and very practical workshop open to all UCD employees which begins by exploring what Unconscious Bias is, how it happens and why it matters.

Before presenting a three-strand approach to tackling Unconscious Bias, as a participant you will be provided with the tools to:

  • Identify and work on your own unconscious bias
  • Recognise and challenge unconscious bias in others
  • Tackle organisational unconscious bias
  • Current issues and affairs will be examined through the Unconscious Bias lens and there will be ample opportunity to discuss topics raised and to apply learning to self.

"Inclusive Recruitment - Managing Bias" Training for Members of Interview Panels

This training, delivered by the Irish Centre for Diversity, is a key part of the Inclusive Recruitment Bundle (see below.)

We all have unconscious bias and it affects our thinking and decisions in relation to others who we will see in either a positive or negative way. Unconscious Bias training for recruitment processes is used to build awareness of diversity and individual biases that can limit the hiring experience. During this training we will explore unconscious bias, its impact on the recruitment and interview process and more effective inclusive strategies for the hiring process. 

This half-day session delivered virtually focuses on creating an understanding of Diversity and Inclusion whilst providing the foundational knowledge and awareness to begin building 'diversity literacy' for personal and professional growth. The session will create an understanding of the unconscious factors that can inhibit or enable greater congruency between personal and organisational values.

Inclusive Recruitment Training Bundle for Hiring Managers

EDI and Resourcing prepared a bespoke training and eLearning “bundle” aimed at hiring managers and members of interview panels. The training will provide this key cohort with essential guidance and information on UCD recruitment and selection procedures and inclusive hiring practices which will help to find excellent and diverse candidates. We want to ensure that hiring managers are equipped with the skills to deliver on the University’s EDI requirements. Hiring managers and members of interview panels should aim to complete this training and eLearning bundle in advance of their next scheduled panel.

The Inclusive Recruitment Training bundle includes:

 Find out more about Inclusive Recruitment under our Support section.

Cross-Cultural Awareness and Communication

This workshop is designed to introduce issues of cultural awareness to those who are interested in learning more and those who work in multicultural teams. The workshop will encourage participants to explore their own assumptions and preconceptions about other cultures, as well as creating awareness of their own cultural heritage and how it affects their world views, values and assumptions. 

The session also encourages participants to focus on their communication style, and how it is affected by culture, as well as the importance of non-verbal communication signals and the way these affect the communication process. The session is interactive and draws upon participants’ own experiences.

The aim of the session is to increase cultural awareness among those working in an intercultural environment, and to foster better interactions and communication between colleagues and in teams or projects.

Dignity & Respect Training for People Managers


  • "Excellent course. Nuanced approach to a complex area. Sent out a strong message that culture change in this area is a priority." 
  • "Really informative, valuable and thought-provoking, excellently facilitated"
  • "I’ve learned so much about behaviours which are not acceptable and how to navigate those situations and provide support to colleagues"


This face-to-face Dignity & Respect training for People Managers has been designed to give confidence and skills to those who may receive reports of bullying, harassment, or sexual misconduct. It often takes a great deal of courage to take the first steps to talk to someone about behaviours that are concerning. It’s therefore vital that those courageous first steps to talk are met with the right supportive approach and that the information given and subsequent actions taken are the right ones for the individual and situation disclosed. 

We are offering face-to-face sessions both in person and on Zoom.

The training day will cover the following topics and deliver the below learning outcomes:

  • Building on knowledge of bullying, harassment, and sexual misconduct from the online training "Building a Respectful Culture at UCD" (pre-work)
  • Roles and responsibilities of those receiving disclosures
  • How to discharge support to those reporting person
  • Creating the right environment  
  • Support for you


Participants are asked to complete a 1-hour online course in advance to gain an understanding of key issues around bullying, harassment and sexual misconduct. To enrol, you need to register on InfoHub for "Building a Respectful Culture at UCD" and then follow these steps: 

  • Open UCD Connect
  • Click on the Brightspace icon on the top right (log-in required)
  • Select the course "Building a Respectful Culture at UCD" from "My Modules" 
  • Click on "My Learning" on the top left blue bar to start the training

The training was launched by Professor Colin Scott, UCD VP for EDI, on 26th May 2022. All People Managers should have received an email encouraging them to participate with a link to the available sessions. If you are a people manager with one or more direct reports and don't have this email, please contact (opens in a new window)edi@ucd.ie

Following a pilot in the College of Health and Agricultural Sciences, EDI are delighted to bring two new training sessions on Disability Awareness and Reasonable Accommodation. 

Disability Awareness (for all employees): this training aims to address myths and misconceptions that people may have around disability. It will also give a solid foundation in areas such as communication, appropriate language, types of disabilities, legislation, disability etiquette, barriers for people with disabilities, accessibility, discrimination and creating an inclusive society. 

Leading Disability-Inclusive Teams (for managers): this Reasonable Accommodation training for managers tailored to UCD focuses on creating positive awareness of disability and aims to inform participants about the important topic of ensuring best practice employment and service supports for people with disabilities. The session will cover types of disabilities, legislation, case law, the four key areas of reasonable accommodation, as well as UCD-specific processes. 

International Women's Day 2024: Women and Leadership - Don’t Let Imposter Feelings Hold you Back

The call for women to step into positions of seniority and leadership is widespread. Many women are aware that unconscious bias is still subtly affecting their career progression and that feelings of not being good enough – what we often describe as Imposter Syndrome feelings – stop them volunteering or going for positions of leadership. 

If not addressed the Imposter Syndrome can cause individuals to experience significant stress, anxiety and fear. It can drive them to burn-out or inhibit them from achieving their full potential, prevent them from making valuable contributions to projects or meetings and deprive an organisation from seeing the very best that their staff can give. 

During this workshop we will explore: 

  • What is Imposter Syndrome 
  • Who might experience imposter feelings and why 
  • Solutions - Ways to move forward:
    • How to manage feelings around success and failure
    • How to manage our Inner Critic
  • Powerful female archetypes to give insight to leadership skills and presence

Gender Identity, Expression and Diversity Training

This session explores the theory behind gender identity, gender expression and biological sex. We look in detail at how stereotypes and biases inform experiences of gender, and how we might work to break through processes of assumptions to create more inclusive spaces for gender diversity in the Higher Education space.

Family Matters Series

UCD EDI are offering a number of expert-led and open sessions for parents and carers. See below for more information on each topic and register via the EDI Training Calendar.

Juggling Family, Work and You

Trying to keep on top of everything at work and home leaves many parents and caregivers feeling overwhelmed. Learn practical tips and strategies to avoid burnout & reduce guilt


For people leaders: Supporting a Colleague Through Menopause
Practical advice on how best to support a colleague who is going through peri/menopause.

For women experiencing peri/menopause: Coffee Morning
A chance to share experiences and ideas with others at the same stage.

Return from Family Leave 

Get set for success, identifying your values and boundaries. Check crucial conversations to have at work and at home to help you find your groove.

Child Anxiety

Practical strategies from our child psychologist on how to support your anxious child or teen.

Managing your Fertility Journey

We'll look at how you can manage your fertility journey alongside work, and what you can do to take care of yourself through the process.

Caring for Elderly Parents 
Supporting those who balance work with caring for elderly relatives. Focus on practical aspects of care, managing relationships and family, and self-care.

Does Personality Affect Stress Responses? Recognising and Minimising Workplace Stress with MBTI

No matter what the context – in work or in everyday life – the presence of stress can either undermine individual performance or propel individual success, depending on how you react to it. Over the last few years, workplace stress for many was exacerbated by adapting to new ways of working. 

For National Workplace Wellbeing Day 2024, EDI is delighted to again offer one-to-one sessions for employees interested in finding out how personality affects stress responses and how to minimise workplace stress. 

Participants will be sent a questionnaire in advance, and will participate in a one-to-one session with a qualified MBTI practitioner. Afterwards, they will receive the Stress Management report based on their personality type. 

The MBTI Stress Management Report shows you how to recognise and handle workplace stress, and minimise its impact. It contains: 

  • A summary of your Myers-Briggs results
  • Your natural and stressed personality characteristics
  • How your stressed personality is triggered
  • Handling stress reactions and learning from them
  • How others can help minimise stress

Contact UCD Equality Diversity and Inclusion

University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.
E: edi@ucd.ie