Dignity & Respect Oversight Group
- Anti-Racism and Cultural Awareness Group
- Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Group
- Dignity & Respect Oversight Group
- Disability Sub-Group
- Gender Equality Action Group
- LGBTI Sub-Group
- Engaging Men in EDI
- Neurodiversity Group
- Public Sector Duty Implementation sub-group
- University of Sanctuary Sub-Group
- EDI Networks
- Faith and Religion Working Group
Dignity & Respect Oversight Group
Page Updated: March 2025
The establishment of the EDI Dignity and Respect Oversight Group is one of the key recommendations of the Dignity and Respect Review Report which was approved by the UMT on 28 April 2021 and endorsed by the Governing Authority on 13 May 2021. The purpose of this group is to oversee the implementation of the Bullying and Harassment policy, Sexual Misconduct policy for students and employees and set of recommendations as per the Dignity and Respect Review Report which have now been translated into a Dignity and Respect implementation plan. It will be the responsibility of this group to monitor this cultural change, to embed it into the fabric of the University and to report on progress to the senior management and Governing Authority of the University.
The Dignity and Respect Oversight Group was established in October 2021. This group will provide oversight and guidance and enhance transparency around bullying, harassment and sexual misconduct. The membership of the group meets the gender balance requirement and is representative of categories of employees, students, areas and minority groups across UCD. There is also external representation from expert groups.
Sub-groups or Working Groups of the Dignity and Respect Oversight Group will be established over time to enable the group to undertake its work to include but not limited to: Data Monitoring and Environmental Assessment sub-group, Student sub-group and Employee sub-group.
The group will meet once every quarter or more frequently if required. Sub-groups may meet more frequently outside of the quarterly group meetings.
The Dignity and Respect Oversight Group will report to the EDI Group and UMT on a quarterly basis and annually to the Governing Authority. An annual report will be prepared and submitted annually to the EDI Group, UMT and GA.
- Professor Niamh Moore - Cherry - Chair, UMT Member
- Prof. Jason Last - Dean of Students
- Rory Carey - Director, Culture & Engagement
- Marcellina Fogarty - Strategic EDI Manager
- Lynn Foster - SECCA Manager
- Catherine Tormey - Senior Dignity and Respect Support Advisor
- Niamh Nestor - Head of Student Advisers
- Richard Butler - Clubs and Societies Officer
- Aishling Kennedy Dalton - Estate Services Manager (Residents)
- Dr Deirdre O'Connor - Vice-Principal for EDI Representative
- Emer Cunningham - Legal Representative
- Dr Declan Fahie - Academic Expert Representative
- Mark Simpson - Communications Project Lead
- Dr Sulagna Maitra - Employee Representative
- Dr John Gilmore - Employee Representative
- Prof Emma Sokell - Head of School Representative
- Andy Myler - Estate Services Representative
- Ann Marie Gill - Chairperson of DRCC
- Ruth Harrison - D&R Support Colleagues Rep
- Suzanne Bailey, UCD Clubs Representative
- Suzanne Dunne D&R Student Ambassador
Further information
Learn more about Dignity & Respect in UCD on the Dignity & Respect website.
Any queries can be directed to (opens in a new window)edi@ucd.ie.