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Gender Equality Action Group

Page Updated: 5rd September 2024

The Gender Equality Action Group (GEAG) co -chaired by Professor Aoife Ahern and Professor Emma Sokell oversees the implementation of the Gender Equality Action Plan and also acts as the Steering Group for University Athena SWAN applications. It also encourages and supports Schools across all disciplines to apply for Athena SWAN awards and carry out a mock assessment role for School applications prior to submission. This group has a broader remit in terms of addressing gender-related issues and promoting gender equality that may fall outside the scope of Athena SWAN.

Any queries or comments in relation to gender equality can be sent to (opens in a new window)edi@ucd.ie and will be considered by the Gender Equality Action Group.


Title and Name  College/School/Unit Job Title GEAG Role

Professor Aoife Ahern

College of Engineering and Architecture Administration Office

College Principal

Vice-Principals for Equality, Diversity and Inclusion

Co-Chair of GEAG
Professor Emma Sokell School of Physics Head of School Co-Chair of GEAG
Marcellina Fogarty EDI Unit Senior EDI Manager PMS Representative & EDI Support
Dr Sara Benedi Lahuerta  School of Law Lecturer/Assistant Professor Academic Representative
Dr Ieva Zumbyte School of Social Policy, Social Work and Social Justice Researcher Research Representative
Dr Syed Hasan School of Mathematics and Statistics Researcher Research Representative
Professor Kath Browne School of Geography Full Professor Academic Representative
Rory Carey HR - Culture & Engagement Director - Culture & Engagement including EDI function PMS Representative 
Dr Paula Carroll School of Business Associate Professor Academic Representative
Tom Costelloe EDI Unit Equality Diversity and Inclusion Project Officer (Data) PMS Representative & EDI Support
Michael Donohue School of Mechanical and Materials Engineering Senior Technical Officer Technical Representative
Dr Jennifer Doyle Access and Lifelong Learning Centre Operations Manager ALL Representative
Ruth Harrison Registry Director of Student Registration, Fees and Data Operations PMS Representative
Professor Simon Kelly School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering Professor Academic Representative
Professor Jason Last Office of the Registrar and Deputy President Dean Of Students Academic Representative
Jill Nelis Student Union Student Union (SU) Welfare Officer Student Representative
Dr Meriel McClatchie School of Archaeology Associate Professor Academic Representative
Dr Catherine Mooney School of Computer Science Associate Professor Academic Representative 
Eimear O'Reilly EDI Unit Equality Diversity and Inclusion Project Officer PMS Representative & EDI Support
Mark Simpson HR - Culture and Engagement Senior Manager, Engagement and Internal Communications PMS Representative
Dr Veronica Sofianos School of Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering Lecturer/Assistant Professor (Ad Astra Fellow) Academic Representative
Dr Saoirse Tracy School of Agriculture and Food Science Lecturer/Assistant Professor Academic Representative
Lisa Bennet Institutional Research Senior Institutional Research Analyst PMS Representative
Dina Said Registry - Assessment Examination Operations Manager PMS Representative
Marc Matouc Student Union Graduate Officer Student Representative
Christopher Musgrave Research Administration - Proposal Support Research Projects Officer Research Representative
Joanna O'Keeffe EDI Unit Senior Executive Assistant Secretary to the GEAG & EDI Support 

*PMS = Professional, Managerial & Support

Athena SWAN at UCD (Silver Institutional Award)

UCD has been awarded the prestigious institutional Silver Athena Swan Award in in recognition of its ongoing commitment to advancing gender equality and building capacity for evidence-based equality work across all equality grounds across the University, building on our Bronze Awards from 2017 and 2020. To achieve this accreditation, the University demonstrated that it had conducted a thorough self-assessment of gender equality challenges and shown significant progress since our Bronze Award in 2020. Additionally, the University held employee and student consultations, with the feedback used to strengthen the application and inform the development of the 2024-2029 Gender Equality Action Plan.

To view UCD's Gender Equality 2024-2029 Action Plan, please click here.

Athena Swan Silver logoAS-Silver_Colour_Irish

Contact UCD Equality Diversity and Inclusion

University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.
E: edi@ucd.ie